HTML5 Application Template

www/          : the source files of the template application,
tests/        : the application functional and unit tests
package.json  : grunt package file used to install dependencies
Gruntfile.js  : grunt file for the jasmine unit tests

Unit Tests:

To run the unit tests, from the project folder:

- Have nodejs and grunt installed on your system,

sudo apt-get install nodejs

- Install the node dependencies:

npm install

- Run the tests:

npm test

Autopilot (functional) tests

- Make sure that you have oxide-chromedriver and selenium installed:

sudo apt-get install oxideqt-chromedriver
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:canonical-platform-qa/selenium
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-selenium

- Run the tests:

cd tests/autopilot
autopilot3 list application_tests
autopilot3 run application_tests


- The .desktop file uses the executable 'webapp-container' as an HTML5 application launcher. Previously the executable 'ubuntu-html5-app-launcher' was used for this purpose, it has now been deprecated. For any application targetting the application framework 14.10 and apparmor policy 1.2 though, one can and should still use 'ubuntu-html5-app-launcher'. The Exec line in the .desktop file of the current application then becomes:

Exec=ubuntu-html5-app-launcher $@ --www=www --inspector