Documentation on how to replicate APLOMB architecture with BESS


Files Usage
Vagrantfile Vagrant VM config file
dev.yml Ansible Playbook file

Set up

  1. Install Vagrant
  2. Install VirtualBox


  1. Clone this repository

    git clone
  2. Inspect the Vagrantfile and confirm that it is properly configured for the environment.

    Bring up public network with a static IP that is publicly routable on the network
  3. Boot and SSH into the vagrant machine

    vagrant up
    vagrant ssh
  4. Install ansible

    sudo apt-get install ansible
  5. Change to the playbook directory

    cd /vagrant/
  6. Run the playbook

    ansible-playbook dev.yml
  7. Build BESS

  8. Start BESS daemon

  9. Run Port script

    daemon run <Script_Path>
  10. Install OpenVPN

    • Follow procedure documented here
    • If setting up a bridge between a BESS VPort and the OpenVPN interface you will need to setup a tap interface for ethernet bridging following procedures documented here

Bugs or suggestions please send me a message at