Project Name : Doctors Hub

This a ract application to to book a doctors appointment. It consumes this endpoint

  • to load information, about all the doctors,
  • to create a new doctor
  • to book an appointment
  • lists all the appointments booked

Link to backend made with rails

Doctors Hub

Built With

React, Redux

Live Demo

The project is hosted here

Getting Started

This project is open source and you are free take modify and do with as you wish. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.

Prerequisites ♻️

  • Any modern browser.
  • A local version control like git installed on your computer
  • Code editor (Visual studio code, sublime text, notepad++, ...) installed on your computer;
  • Knowledge of basic of HTML and CSS.

Download 🎰

  • Click the this link to clone down the source code or download it as a zip file


  • Once you have the code navigate into the root folder and run npm install to get all dependecies required to run Unit tests, linters checks and set up webpack

Run Unit tests

  • Use the npm test command to run all the unit test

Run webpack live server

  • use npm start to open the app with webpacks live server

Build for deployment

  • use npm run build to build files for deployment and distribution

Run code linters 🧪

Run the commands below in the terminal or git bash.

  • npx hint . : for the html codebase and use of best practices.
  • npx stylelint "**/*.{css,scss}" : for the css codebase and use of best practices. you can add
  • npx eslint . : for the JavaScript codebase and use of best practices.
  • Note that you can add --fix keyword to the command for Css and/or JavaScript to make sure that you avoid all errors comming from your code editor

  • To start webpack server run npm start

👤 Cecilia Mukima


Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


  • Microverse
  • IHat tip to anyone whose code was used for inspiration

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.