
Uncaught TypeError: $$.d3.set is not a function

TheWitness opened this issue · 2 comments

C3 version: v0.7.20
D3 version: v6.2.0
Browser: FF Latest
OS: Win10 Frontend/CentOS7 Backend

It looks like d3 deprecated/removed the d3.set function in v6.x. I reverted to 5.16.0 and everything is working again. Been doing this for a while. Not sure what fix you want to do. It's out there though. Thanks for making c3.js!

From the console

"Uncaught TypeError: $$.d3.set is not a function" on c3.js:6720:12
"Uncaught TypeError: this.d3.set is not a function" on c3.min.js:2:128160

Hi @TheWitness, thank you for your analysis, I'll look into it.

The D3.js migration guide states that d3.collection has been removed, it should be possible to apply the changes to C3.