Pinned issues
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Pie charts and graphs are not accessible with keyboard.
#2897 opened by msftedad - 0
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Add Repobeats (metrics) to README
#2898 opened by JuanPabloDiaz - 3
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Issue in angular 17 I use c3 graphs which is making whe site freeze and getting blanket page for some seconds
#2890 opened by shivaroxta - 0
bar chart animation and transition problem
#2887 opened by KangSeongWoo - 0
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D3 5.16.0: data.labels.format regression
#2882 opened by florentmontesano - 0
Keyboard accessibility for legends and and tooltips
#2880 opened by Selenapark - 0
2023: Uncaught TypeError: d3.mouse is not a function
#2879 opened by alundiak - 5
d3-color library security issue
#2846 opened by AbeykoonOshan - 0
Problem with rendering dates
#2878 opened by Dmitrijlin - 1
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Insecure Randomness for the useof Math.random() in redrawBarForSubchart, redrawLineForSubchart and redrawAreaForSubchart(security vulnerability)
#2874 opened by shubhamvinayak - 0
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Missing column in bar chart derived from data.json where the x value is 'empty'
#2854 opened by thehouseoffung - 0
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Setting data.names with object's properties
#2852 opened by gustainMars - 0
Proper y/y2 axis ticks as per the given tick count
#2851 opened by AbeykoonOshan - 0
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Chart data from json after value click place are changing
#2845 opened by aungpt - 0
Grouped bar chart different rect width in group
#2844 opened by satra2806 - 0
Feature Request: API should include font size customization, using css results in legend and tick overlapping
#2843 opened by meepeek - 0
Script injection through data?
#2842 opened by hiranpodi - 0
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Regions - Not updated after resize window
#2835 opened by foulong - 2
Uncaught TypeError: $$.d3.set is not a function
#2821 opened by TheWitness - 5
Open Letter: Dear C3.js & the community from billboard.js
#2831 opened by netil - 1
Bar Chart: Tooltip Each Bar
#2830 opened by jonnjasperejoc - 1
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return axis.labels values
#2827 opened by blazespinnaker - 0
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Bar-chart's columns are overlapping on sparse data
#2811 opened by strizhechenko - 1
API Regions Remove not deleting regions
#2819 opened by gregorbaird1 - 0
Point selection with null values may not be correct
#2820 opened by y-ota - 0
Cross filter in c3 js
#2818 opened by saarr88 - 0
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C3 in Angular 10 and CommonJS dependencies
#2809 opened by pepearruda - 0
Wrong axis range after append data by flow()
#2815 opened by adash-dev - 0
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Samples Not Working (pt2?)
#2810 opened by kinekt4 - 0
Donut chart is not closed.
#2807 opened by haizenbergD - 1
c3.min.js:2 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'orgDomain' of undefined
#2801 opened by bhaskardabhi