
JavaScript 通知库

MIT LicenseMIT


  • 内置漂亮的 UI 效果和多种主题、
  • 轻量级,压缩后只有 18K。
  • 纯 js 编写,没有任何依赖。
  • 支持 IE11+, Safari, Google Chrome, Yandex Browser, Opera, Firefox。





<link href="light-theme.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src='growl-notification.min.js'></script>


<link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/c3p7f2/growl-notification@main/light-theme.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/c3p7f2/growl-notification@main/growl-notification.min.js'></script>


    title: 'This is title',
    description: 'My Description'


    margin: 20,
    type: 'default',
    title: '',
    description: '',
    image: {
        visible: false,
        customImage: ''
    closeTimeout: 0,
    closeWith: ['click', 'button'],
    animation: {
        open: 'slide-in',
        close: 'slide-out'
    animationDuration: .2,
    position: 'top-right',
    showBorder: false,
    showButtons: false,
    buttons: {
        action: {
            text: 'Ok',
            callback: function() {}
        cancel: {
            text: 'Cancel',
            callback: function() {}
    showProgress: false
Option Default Info
width: number|string null Custom width for notification 100px, 50% and etc.
zIndex: number 1056 Custom z-index for notifications
type: string 'alert' alert, success, error, warning, info
position: string 'top-right' top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right, top-center, bottom-center
title: string '' This string can contain HTML too. But be careful and don't pass user inputs to this parameter.
description: string '' This string can contain HTML too. But be careful and don't pass user inputs to this parameter.
image.visible: boolean false Show/Hide image
image.customImage: string '' Path to custom image
closeTimeout: boolean,int false false, 1000, 3000, 3500, etc. Delay for closing event in milliseconds (ms). Set 'false' for sticky notifications.
closeWith: [...string] ['click'] click, button
animation.open: string,null,false 'slide-in' If string, assumed to be CSS class name. If false|null|'none', no animation at all. 'slide-in', 'fade-in'
animation.close: string,null,false 'slide-out' If string, assumed to be CSS class name. If false|null|'none', no animation at all. 'slide-out', 'fade-out'
showButtons: true,false false Show or hide buttons
buttons: object
buttons: {
    action: {
        text: 'Ok',
        callback: function {} // callback
    cancel: {
        text: 'Cancel',
        callback: function {} // callback
Buttons configuration
showProgress: true,false false Show or hide progress bar
GrowlNotification.setGlobalOptions: object {} Set global options for all notifications
GrowlNotification.closeAll - Close all notifications