Steps to setup this project:

Step 1: Clone this repo and pip install requirements.txt
Step 2: Download pgAdmin and create your Postgres database
Step 3: Add your database credentials info to
Step 4: In, run "await add_test_data()" to load sample AQI data to your Postgres database the first time you run your app
Step 5: In all other instances, run "run, debug=True)" (also in
Step 6: Navigate over to your localhost (e.g. and interact with the app as you please
Step 7: If you'd like to download additional historical AQI data you can do so over at

Purpose of this project:

To build the "Time travel Machine - for seeing the air quality at any day back in time" mentioned here:

Future developments:
1. Error handling
2. Check for and fetch new data for target sensor cities
3. Cache most popular user queries  
4. Show historical mean and median for all available particulate types in user query
5. Show pie chart with AQI classification frequency
6. Allow user who may not know exact sensor station name to search by city to find station name