
This is the public repository for the open decoder ai project

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Project Lupine

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Project Lupine is an advanced initiative focused on using large language models to understand decompiled code and help in reverse engineering binaries. When given decompiled C, the models provide a function name, a function summary, and a detailed step-by-step explanation of the code's actions.

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Currently, our project's top model is an fine-tuned version of the Code Llama 34B Instruct model. This model has been fine-tuned using a dataset of 60,000 decompiled functions from 5,000 malware samples, covering 100 different malware families. Function summaries were generated by Human Analysts (10%), GPT-3.5 (70%), and GPT-4 (20%). The model was trained with a max context length for 4096 tokens for 13,500 steps with a batch size of 4. Total training time was 288.6431 GPU-hours on A6000 48GB VRAM GPUs

In a bid to enhance the user experience and integrate seamlessly into the workflow, we've embedded our model within a Ghidra plugin. This integration empowers users by instantly offering function names and descriptions right within their Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Moreover, we believe in the continuous evolution and enrichment of our model. To this end, we've instituted a feedback mechanism, inviting users to share their expertise and insights.


Below is a rough architecture. The graph was created in matplotlib and networkx because im strange like that. You can see the code for this graph in flowchart_diagram.ipynb

We can see that an Analyst interacts with the Plugin Server via a REST API. The plugin sends the binary hash, function offset, and decompiled code to the plugin server. The plugin server routes the request to either the local LLM or the community server for analysis. The plugin server records the code and response for training. The analyst is able to submit suggests/feedback on output within the IDE. Plugin server can use different LLMs to resolve requests based on input length or API key.

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There are three Ghidra plugins each with their own configured shortcut keys.

llm.py (CTRL-ALT-L)

This script calls your local LLM. It requests a new function name and function description. It renames the function and updates the somments with the description. Your cursor can be anywhere inside the decompiled function that you're interested in.

The plugin expects api_server.py to be running on localhost on port 8000. Documentation for the API server can be found below.

llm_remote.pt (CTRL-ALT-O)

This script calls the Project Lupine community server. It requests a new function name and function description. It renames the function and updates the somments with the description. Note that it sends the hash, function offset, and decompiled code to the community server.

llm_suggest (CTRL-SHIFT-K)

This script is useful for contributing back to the community. If you get a summary, function name or step-by-step description that you don't like you can edit the content directly in Ghidra and send your edits back. Note that it sends the hash, function offset, and decompiled code, function name, function comment to the community server. The


This section contains the api_server and several helper utilities for loading data and testing the model.



This script provides an API for malware analysis. It uses FastAPI, SQLAlchemy for database operations, the Transformers library to load our local model and generate output, and langchain for interacting with OpenAI models. The core functionality is to analyze a given piece of decompiled code and provide descriptive information, such as a function summary and a new function name.


  • fastapi: Web framework to build the API.
  • pydantic: Data validation and settings management using Python type annotations.
  • sqlalchemy: Database toolkit for Python.
  • databases: Asynchronous database support for FastAPI.
  • torch: PyTorch library, primarily for deep learning.
  • datasets: To load datasets.
  • transformers: For using loading local model and generating content
  • openai: OpenAI Python client for generating content
  • langchain: A module possibly related to language processing.
  • json, re, os, time: Standard libraries for various functionalities.


  • DATABASE_URL: The SQLite database URL.
  • openai_key: The API key for OpenAI.
  • model & tokenizer: Pre-trained models loaded using Transformers library.

Database Schema

  • Function: Represents the function table in the database with fields for ID, input, output, review status, and details related to the LLM analysis.
  • EvaluationLog: Logs request and response data for evaluations.
  • Suggestion: Contains suggestions for code analysis.

API Endpoints

  1. / (GET): Returns the main index page.
  2. /evaluate (POST): Evaluates the given code using the community LLM model and returns analysis results.
  3. /evaluate_local (POST): Evaluates the given code locally using decode-llm and returns analysis results.
  4. /review (GET): Displays items for review based on category.
  5. /update-output (POST): Updates the output for a given function ID.
  6. /suggest (POST): Stores a suggestion in the Suggestion table.
  7. /action (POST): Performs actions like approve or remove on a function.

Helper Functions

  • flatten_list: Flattens nested lists or dictionaries.
  • get_llm_name_with_retry: Attempts to get the LLM name with retries.
  • generate_decode_response: Generates response using the decode-llm model.
  • extract_function_info: Extracts function summary and new function name from the provided content.
  • llm_rename_function: Renames the function using LLM.
  • load_data_to_db: Loads data to the database.


To run the FastAPI application:

uvicorn.run(app, host="", port=8000)

This will start the server on


This script loads the decompiled code from the sqlite3 database generated by the web application.

It calls openai to generate llm names, short sum and step by step descriptions.


Currently, the project's best model is a finetune version of the Code Llama 34B Instruct model. It is fine tuned on a dataset of 60,000 decompiled functions extracted from 5000 malware samples and 100 unique malware families.