
OpenOndemand Dashboard App for displaying disk quota

Primary LanguageRuby


Alvis OnDemand Dashboard DiskQuota

Alvis OnDemand dashboard app for displaying live disk quota at Alvis OnDemand.

Passenger vs Dashboard app: This is the dashboard version of the diskquota app! You can find the passenger plugin version at https://github.com/c3se/ood_diskquota.



This Ruby on Rails application is developed for Alvis OnDemand and relies on (albeit few) local data containing information about quota and usage. The app requires getfattr (from the attr-package in EL8) to read statistics from CephFS as well as modification of the dashboard application itself.


$ git clone https://github.com/c3se/ood_dashboard_diskquota.git

The dasboard app needs to do slight modification to the dashboard app and new files must be added to ondemand/apps/dashboard/app/{models,views,controllers}/.

Update /var/www/ood/apps/sys/dashboard/config/routes.rb:

  if Configuration.can_access_files?
+   get "diskquota", to: "disk_quota#index"

Place the files inside models, views and controllers into the respective /var/www/ood/apps/sys/dashboard/app/{models,views,controllers}.

Adding to navigation

Adding link e.g. "Check my quota" to the navigation bar can be done by modifying the OodApp::links method to concatenate an extra OodAppLink to the "files" list. We do this by creating an OodApp initializer inside /etc/ood/apps/dashboard/initializers/. Unfortunately we need to copy and paste the entire class, it would seem, only to modify the link list. We would be very happy to know if there is a more simple way to do this, while still keeping most of the core dashboard app unmodified.

Inside e.g. /etc/ood/apps/dashboard/initializers/ood.rb.

class OodApp
  include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers 
  # Return the links for this app based on this app's role. One app may have several links.
  # @return [Array<OodAppLink>] The links for this app.
  def links
   if role == "files"
    # assumes Home Directory is primary...
        title: "Home Directory",
        description: manifest.description,
        url: OodAppkit::Urls::Files.new(base_url: url).url(path: Dir.home),
        icon_uri: "fas://home",
        caption: caption,
        new_tab: open_in_new_window?
      OodFilesApp.new.favorite_paths.map do |favorite_path|
          title: favorite_path.title || favorite_path.path.to_s,
          subtitle: favorite_path.title ? favorite_path.path.to_s : nil,
          description: manifest.description,
          url: OodAppkit::Urls::Files.new(base_url: url).url(path: favorite_path.path.to_s, fs: favorite_path.filesystem),
          icon_uri: "fas://folder",
          caption: caption,
          new_tab: open_in_new_window?
+   ).concat([
+     OodAppLink.new(
+       title: "Check my quota",
+       description: manifest.description,
+       url: OodAppkit.dashboard.url.to_s + "diskquota",
+       icon_uri: nil,
+       caption: caption,
+       new_tab: open_in_new_window?
+     )]


You can customize the app by changing the ERB-files inside views.


User logs is found at <ood_logs>/ondemand-nginx/<user>, usually /var/log/ondemand-nginx/<user>.