
An example scope for SCOPE

Primary LanguageCMakeApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This is an example benchmark plugin for the SCOPE benchmark project. It most be integrated with SCOPE to build.


Download latest Example|Scope and create a new_scope.

curl -L https://github.com/c3sr/example_scope/archive/master.zip -o master.zip
unzip master.zip
rm master.zip
mv example_scope-master new_scope


├── CMakeLists.txt
├── docs
│   └── example_benchmark_class.md
├── README.md
└── src
    ├── config.hpp.in
    ├── example
    │   ├── example.cpp
    │   ├── init.cpp
    │   └── sugar.cmake
    └── sugar.cmake


Example|Scope will be included in SCOPE with CMake add_subdirectory, and this CMakeLists.txt is filled accordingly. CMake 3.12+ is needed for proper object library support.

It should do the following things:

  • Use project to define a scope name and version. This is used in config.hpp.in and configure_file to help create a version string, and also affect messages printed with scope_status.
project(Example|Scope LANGUAGES CXX VERSION 1.0.0)
  • Use Sugar to sugar_include the plugin sources. Scope provides a python script for generating sugar.cmake files. Once the plugin is added to scope as a submodule (see below), it can be invoked like this whenever source files are added or moved in the plugin:

      $ scope/tools/generate_sugar_files.py --top example_scope/src --var example

This will cause example_SOURCES and example_CUDA_SOURCES to be defined. These are most likely the variables that should be expanded when using add_library in the plugin CMakeLists.txt.

add_library(example_scope OBJECT ${example_SOURCES} ${example_CUDA_SOURCES})
  • Add includes and library linking for utilities provided through SCOPE:
  • link any other required libraries with the PUBLIC keyword so that Scope is also linked with them
target_link_libraries(example_scope PUBLIC required-library)
  • discover certain things about the git repository. This is used to help generate the version string.
git_get_head_revision(GIT_REFSPEC GIT_HASH)
  • use CMake configure_file to generate example_scope/src/config.hpp
configure_file (
  • Include the location of the generated config.hpp file. Also include the src directory.
target_include_directories(example_scope PRIVATE

It can also do any other CMake things, like:

  • find any required packages needed by the scope


The docs folder should describe all of the benchmarks created by the scope.


Example|Scope is licensed under Apache 2.0.

  • You must retain the original copyright.
  • You must include the full text of the license in the modified software.
  • You must state any significant changes you make to the software.
  • You must include NOTICE if you distribute, and you may append to NOTICE.

disclaimer: no information in this readme is legal advice


The readme should describe the objective of the plugin, the contributors of the scope, and how to cite the scope.


All the source files for the benchmarks should be in src. The organization within src is up to the developer.

Adding the plugin to SCOPE

If you have push access to SCOPE, go ahead and add it. Otherwise, you can submit a PR.

First, this scope should be added to SCOPE as a submodule. Add with https so anyone can clone.

cd scope
git submodule add https://github.com/c3sr/example_scope.git

Then, the SCOPE CMakeLists.txt should be modified to load this plugin.

An option to enable your scope should be added near the beginning of the CMakeLists.txt file:

option(ENABLE_EXAMPLE "Include Example|Scope (github.com/c3sr/example_scope)" OFF)

A snippet of code to add your scope to the build should be added further down, after the main scope add_executable(...).

  scope_status("Enabling Example|Scope")
  target_link_libraries(scope example_scope)

SCOPE Utilities

The plugin may (should) make use of utilities provided by Scope in scope. Those utilities can be included with #include scope/utils/...

SCOPE Initialization Hooks

SCOPE exposes initialization as part of the life cycle. This happens in src/example/init.cpp. The two macros SCOPE_REGISTER_BEFORE_INIT and SCOPE_REGISTER_INIT allow a scope to provide SCOPE with a void(*)() and int (*)() functions, respectively, that are invoked during the BeforeInit and Init lifecycle stages.

SCOPE Command Line Options

Scopes may also register Clara clara::Opts to describe command line options that they look for. This may be done statically with the SCOPE_REGISTER_OPT macro, or during the BeforeInit hook using RegisterOpt. Flag variables can be declared with the DECLARE_FLAG_... and DEFINE_FLAG_... family of macros exposed in scope/src/scope/utils/commandlineflags.hpp. An example of this usage is in in src/example/init.cpp.

SCOPE Version String

A scope should provide SCOPE with a version string to print when the user passes --version on the command line. This is done by using RegisterVersion during the BeforeInit hook.


Please cite the following when referring to this work:
