
@holman does dotfiles

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c3z dotfiles


There's a few special files in the hierarchy.

  • bin/: Anything in bin/ will get added to your $PATH and be made available everywhere.
  • topic/*.zsh: Any files ending in .zsh get loaded into your environment.
  • topic/path.zsh: Any file named path.zsh is loaded first and is expected to setup $PATH or similar.
  • topic/completion.zsh: Any file named completion.zsh is loaded last and is expected to setup autocomplete.
  • topic/install.sh: Any file named install.sh is executed when you run script/install. To avoid being loaded automatically, its extension is .sh, not .zsh.
  • topic/*.symlink: Any file ending in *.symlink gets symlinked into your $HOME. This is so you can keep all of those versioned in your dotfiles but still keep those autoloaded files in your home directory. These get symlinked in when you run script/bootstrap.


Run this:

git clone git@github.com:c3z/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles

This will symlink the appropriate files in .dotfiles to your home directory. Everything is configured and tweaked within ~/.dotfiles.

The main file you'll want to change right off the bat is zsh/zshrc.symlink, which sets up a few paths that'll be different on your particular machine.

dot is a simple script that installs some dependencies, sets sane macOS defaults, and so on. Tweak this script, and occasionally run dot from time to time to keep your environment fresh and up-to-date. You can find this script in bin/.

fresh install on new machine


sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt install -y zsh gcc make  libssl-dev libreadline-dev curl git zlib1g-dev g++
cd ~/.dotfiles/
unset NVM_DIR
nvm install 14.15.3
rbenv install 3.0.0
rbenv global 3.3.0

macosx m1

git --version
cd ~/.dotfiles/
unset NVM_DIR
nvm install 14.15.3
rbenv install 3.0.0
rbenv global 3.3.0


[ ] add full install from here: https://towardsdatascience.com/new-m1-who-dis-677e085baffd [ ] add new tools

bat instead of cat diff-so-fancy fx fzf exa duff htop hexyl fig curlx grv

Installing tensorflow on m1

conda create -n tf python=3.9
conda activate tf

# Install apple tensorflow dependencies
conda install -c apple tensorflow-deps

# Install tensorflow macos
python -m pip install tensorflow-macos==2.9

# Install tensorflow metal plugin
python -m pip install tensorflow-metal==0.5.0

# Install tensorflow readymade datasets
python -m pip install tensorflow-datasets

# Install libjpeg (needed by mathplotlib)
brew install libjpeg

# Install mathplotlib and jupyterlab
conda install -y matplotlib jupyterlab

Verify using this script

import tensorflow as tf

cifar = tf.keras.datasets.cifar100
(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = cifar.load_data()
model = tf.keras.applications.ResNet50(
    input_shape=(32, 32, 3),

loss_fn = tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True)
model.compile(optimizer="adam", loss=loss_fn, metrics=["accuracy"])
model.fit(x_train, y_train, epochs=5, batch_size=64)