
Input corpora for c4f

Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


This repo contains input corpora for c4f. These contain C litmus tests generated using Memalloy, with the postconditions replaced ('amplified', in C4 speak) with ones listing all states seen through exhaustive Herd7 simulation.

Have an interesting C litmus test that you think might be a good fuzzer input? Feel free to open a pull request to add it to the corpus (so long as it can be placed under the CC0 waiver).

The corpora

We organise the corpora based on generation model and size:


  • rc11: produced against c11_lahav (Memalloy), amplified against rc11 (Herd), with c11_normw used to forbid certain types of RMW. These were the original corpora we used for testing c4f, but predate handling of compare-exchanges in our tooling, and so don't have any. Note that rc11 is theoretically stronger than some architectures, and using these inputs against a simulator may cause false positives.
  • partialSC: newer corpora produced and amplified against c11_partialSC. These corpora are smaller and less well-tested, but contain compare-exchanges and should be suitable for using against a simulator.


There are up to three sizes for each model: tiny, small, and large. The sizes are relative; for example, rc11/small is much smaller than partialSC/small.

These names may change to something more systematic later on.


These corpora were produced using the do-memalloy-amplify script in c4-scripts. For full compare-exchange support, we use a Memalloy fork (dev branch) and a Herd7 fork.


These corpora are considered to be in the public domain, under the Creative Commons CC0 waiver version 1.0; see LICENSE.