fees are too high for world-wide goods and services to choose bitcoin more often to pay for purchases

Bitcoin would go up in value and be worth twice as much if the fees were little to nothing like less than 10 sats to send a transaction by the next block in less than 20 minutes

because more people world-wide would use it for goods and services 24/7/365

fees have to resemble more like Litecoin network to charge less than 0.001 USD for a tx less than 10 sats to send a transaction in the next block


common people with less than $1000 USD in BTC cant conduct transactions world wide when the fees are unstable and jump up like this


even a network fee of $10 is too much to send a transaction

has to be less like less than 0.10 USD or 0.001 USD or 0.0001 USD



to stop social crimes


02-24-22 update

rethinking how payments could be more universal from store to store with payment pinpad

pseudo design model

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not just a few select stores (but everywhere)

verifone is cheaper and used nationwide cheaper to replace from the average consumer more durable display than an extended elongated display hooked up to USB

verifone universal app to pay at any verifone device with cryptocurrency app loadable via verifone website verifone kiosk links to phone app...phone app links to verifone website

verifone website is remote and holds the customer login and the customer's funds are held by the customer
a link to the users cryptocurrency wallet (think electrum) installed on their phone which is linked to make a payment to a verifone website which acts as a middleman waiting for 1 confirm to send it back to the vendor's receiving address on file where the customer is paying for something and confirms that the customer sent the transaction as a pre confirmation transaction that is pending 1 confirm where the website for verifone acts as an escrow but confirms customer sale is paid with pre confirmation when 1 confirm finally arrives on the Bitcoin Blockchain for the transaction the verifone website bounces the held payment directly to the vendor
where the vendor can accept and receive the payment in under 60 minutes even if the customer leaves after 60 seconds of paying for something with cryptocurrency as long as the sales tax is completely seperate using cash or debit and usually once a block passes on the Bitcoin network because the customer is good in under 60 seconds of bagging up to leave the store and receiving the receipt as an email to save paper

instead of sending the payment to the verifone register as a form of payment since the verifone register accepts 1 preconfirmation transaction deeming it as a valid paid sale when the 1st confirmation takes place on the verifone website side then the verifone website sends the cryptocurrency payment to the vendor's store wallet receiving address since the store has a business login to register a cryptocurrency receiving wallet address with verifone's website

the customer in the store loads the verifone register application right before purchasing something in the store directly and the verifone register prompts for a payment type and the customer can select cryptocurrency as a form of payment the verifone register then displays a QR code link which the customer imports with the verifone application installed on their phone triggering verifone's website to prompt the user to enter the one time pin sent to the users phone to confirm user login since verifone's website uses a user login with a registered telephone number

customer starts.by paying for sales.tax in cash or debit first as calculated by sale amount including sales tax which varies from area to area WHICH IS COMPLETELY SEPERATE and is not acceptable as a crypto payment to cover sales tax

confirming the purchase amount (minus sales tax) and exchange amount into crypto as real world funds converted to cryptocurrency exchange rate

then the customer hits a checkmark or an X on the phone app to accept or cancel the payment with cryptocurrency funds deducted from customers balance which sends from the customers phone based.cryptocurrency wallet think electrum Bitcoin at first for Android and whatever iOS uses primarily always as an on demand wallet which doesn't need to be synced since it's always synced as an on demand ready to use wallet and then the receipt is emailed to the customers email already on file saving receipt paper


and websites



Bitcoin atm


01-07-2022 still not working right! stars should be displayed when entering number phone number digits are not displayed at all to protect the customer's privacy

likewise Android phones dont announce any phone numbers of car audio Bluetooth speaker at all

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forgot to mention as a possible suggestion it's probably a better idea and easier for vendors with sales tax to charge sales tax seperate from receiving crypto using the regular methods of debit or cash methods charging sales tax completely seperate each sale per customer


by setting the network fee to 0.00001 Bitcoin then a transfer is 0.47 cents at 100,000 dollars a coin it's around $1.00 as a fee to use it at the register with these custom apps they should accept payment with one pre confirmation (is it dangerous from Bitcoin rbf functions?)


to safe guard the private key from theft


the private key should be obscured on the paper as a reminder of retrieval remotely using the phone number stored in a database in a double encrypted manerism encrypted private key server side matches phone user encrypted side with unlocking "salt" to securely deserialize encrypted string for phone side with sms password pin and confirm of phone


protect kiosk user in general terms, think wawa, 7-11, casino, pharmacy, etc (by not displaying phone number when customer enters phone number for perks)

the paper QR code wallet receipt style should print the QR code facing the floor.instead of facing the ceiling when the paper QR code wallet receipt ejects out of the.machine

to protect the customers paper QR code wallet out of the Bitcoin ATM

(the bitcoin ATM when at a gas station can credit a pump with payment of cryptocurrency deposit by inter-linking APP to APP from Bitcoin ATM (or Kiosk) Internal APP to Gas Pump Internal APP

protect Bitcoin ATM users by not displaying their phone number as they are entering it directly into the display


protect 7-11 users by not displaying their phone number when they enter their phone number for deals s1



even slot machines vegas or not, can use an casino based application to deposit and receieve bitcoin to the ATM as game credit, by slot machine unique id (UUID) to the application dispatch where the application also has a unique application (UUID) and user id (UUID) when logged in and confirmed (also could include GPS location of machine and user playing to deposit) only the application allows QR code deposit the slot machine has a QR code to download application (to protect interest of deposit of user)



and kambi betting

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can be either or direct Bitcoin deposit or 7-11 app in that regard should only be 7-11 app to prevent deposit misconduct and lies if too many customers are standing there to tamper with a deposit address

and other corporate model stores should use an application to buffer payment at the register to stop deposit misconduct in public think Target, Walmart all the majors

CONCEPT PSEUDO DESIGN (Bitcoin written in bangers font)


sunoco concept

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register can also act as a bitcoin atm if the store is loaded with funds to disperse to take cash under $10,000

an infrared scanner can read a mobile phone QR display address for sending from the register to the customers phone

and the register can display a QR code address for the customer to make a payment

the register can also provide cash back as Bitcoin back in mBTC amount to the customers phone by scanning the customers phone with a QR code

and the customer can send using their phone Bitcoin wallet to make a payment to the register by scanning the QR code displayed on the pin pad at the register