
Yii2 extension for uploading and attaching the files to the models

Primary LanguagePHP

Yii2 attachments

yii2 文件上传扩展

This fork has the aim to implement some missing features such as multiple fields and simplifying installation


You can see the demo on the krajee website


  1. 修改composer.json文件

      "repositories": [
          "url": "https://github.com/c4ys/yii2-attachments.git",
          "type": "vcs"

    "c4ys/yii2-attachments": "*"

    to the require section of your composer.json file.

  2. 添加模块配置

    'modules' => [
    	'file' => [
    		'class' => 'file\FileModule',
    		'webUrl' => '/upload/',
    		'tempPath' => '@common/uploads/temp',
    		'storePath' => '@common/uploads/store',
    		'rules' => [ 
    			'maxFiles' => 20,
    			'maxSize' => 1024 * 1024 * 20 // 20 MB


    'controllerMap' => [
    	'file' => [
    		'class' => 'yii\console\controllers\MigrateController',
    		'migrationPath' => '@file/migrations'
  3. 应用数据库迁移

    yii migrate
  4. Attach behavior to your model (be sure that your model has "id" property)

    use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper;
     * Declare file fields
    public $my_field_multiple_files;
    public $my_field_single_file;
     * Adding the file behavior
    public function behaviors()
    	return ArrayHelper::merge(parent::behaviors(), [
    		'fileBehavior' => [
    			'class' => \file\behaviors\FileBehavior::className()
     * Add the new fields to the file behavior
    public function rules()
        return ArrayHelper::merge(parent::rules(), [
    		[['my_field_multiple_files', 'my_field_single_file'], 'file'],
  5. Make sure that you have added 'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data' to the ActiveForm options

  6. Make sure that you specified maxFiles in module rules and maxFileCount on AttachmentsInput to the number that you want