
A bad ass twitter feed block for concrete5 5.7.x & 8.x.

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION

Twitter Feed Block for concrete5

Requires Concrete5 5.7.1+ & PHP 5.4+


  1. Unzip and copy the 'concrete-twitter-feed-block' folder to your concrete5 installations 'packages' folder.
  2. Rename the folder to 'tweet_feed_package'. (check the folder name, it's important)
  3. Login, click on the Settings icon on the right of the top bar, click 'Extend concrete5'.
  4. Click on the 'Install' button next to 'Twitter Feed Package', follow the install instructions.
  5. Navigate to a page, add the block, follow the on screen instructions.


Developers should open an issue here, for all other support please file a support ticket here.

Change Log

Click here to see the release information on GitHub for an accurate change log.


See the included license file.