Docker image for doing inference on vision models trained with fastai

This docker image is a wrapper around, adding the dependencies to run fastai models, as well as a minimal "webapp" to make requests.

Known Problems:

  • Fastai vision models are not necessarily compatible version to version (TODO: tags for each fastai version)


Recommended usage is to use the pre-built (from this repo) images from dockerhub, and overwrite the export.pkl at runtime, and provide environment variables.

	docker run -p 80:80 \
		-v ./local/path/to/export.pkl:/app/export.pkl \
		-e TITLE="Mouse De-ambiguifier" \
		-e SUBTITLE="Can disambiguate computer mouse, animal mouse, and mickey mouse" \



Starlette backend provides a /classify endpoint and separate callbacks for GET and POST.

GET requests expect a query param url which indicates a URL to an image on the internet which should be classified


GET /classify?



POST requests expect the body to be a Byte array of an image to be classified.


Starlette also serves a simple html/javascript app which can serve as a UI to interact with the backend, and display the prediction of a photo.