
A vite plugin server and build your.user.js for userscript engine like Tampermonkey, Violentmonkey, Greasemonkey, ScriptCat

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


npm package node compatibility

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A vite plugin server and build your.user.js for userscript engine like Tampermonkey and Violentmonkey, Greasemonkey, ScriptCat


  • support Tampermonkey, Violentmonkey, Greasemonkey, ScriptCat, etc
  • inject userscript comment to build bundle
  • auto open *.user.js in default browser when userscript change
  • external cdn url inject to userscript @require
  • external module inject to userscript @resource
  • use GM_api by ESM import with type hints
  • intelligently collect GM_api that is used and automatically configure userscript @grant comment
  • support top level await and dynamic import in single
  • when vite preview, auto open browser install dist.user.js
  • full typescript support and vite feature

Quick Start

just like vite create

pnpm create monkey
# npm create monkey
# yarn create monkey

then you can choose the following template

JavaScript TypeSript
empty (only js) empty-ts (only ts)
vanilla (js + css) vanilla-ts (ts + css)
vue vue-ts
react react-ts
preact preact-ts
svelte svelte-ts
solid solid-ts
Sample: Initializing a Template


Sample: Hot Module Replacement


Sample: Build & Preview



pnpm add -D vite-plugin-monkey
# npm i -D vite-plugin-monkey
# yarn add -D vite-plugin-monkey

note: vite-plugin-monkey must be the last item of plugin list

graph LR;
    A(your code)-- vite build -- others plugins -->B(esm)
    B -- vite-plugin-monkey -- vite build library mode --> C{has DynamicImport}
    C -- yes --> D(systemjs)
    C -- no --> E(iife)



MonkeyOption Type
export type MonkeyOption = {
   * userscript entry file path
  entry: string;
  userscript?: MonkeyUserScript;
  format?: Format;

   * alias of vite-plugin-monkey/dist/client
   * @default '$'
   * @example
   * // vite-env.d.ts for type hint
   * // if you use default value `$`
   * /// <reference types="vite-plugin-monkey/client" />
   * // if you use other_alias
   * declare module other_alias {
   *   export * from 'vite-plugin-monkey/dist/client';
   * }
  clientAlias?: string;
  server?: {
     * auto open install url in default browser when userscript comment change
     * and set `viteConfig.server.open ??== monkeyConfig.server.open`
     * @default
     * process.platform == 'win32' || process.platform == 'darwin' // if platform is Win/Mac
    open?: boolean;

     * name prefix, distinguish server.user.js and build.user.js in monkey extension install list, if you not want prefix, set false
     * @default 'server:'
    prefix?: string | ((name: string) => string) | false;

     * mount GM_api to unsafeWindow, not recommend it, you should use GM_api by ESM import, or use [unplugin-auto-import](https://github.com/antfu/unplugin-auto-import)
     * @default false
     * @example
     * // if set true, you can use `vite-plugin-monkey/global` for type hint
     * // vite-env.d.ts
     * /// <reference types="vite-plugin-monkey/global" />
    mountGmApi?: boolean;
  build?: {
     * build bundle userscript file name
     * it should end with '.user.js'
     * @default (package.json.name??'monkey')+'.user.js'
    fileName?: string;

     * build bundle userscript comment file name, this file is only include comment
     * it can be used by userscript.updateURL, when checking for updates, just download this small file instead of downloading the entire script
     * it should end with '.meta.js', if set false, will not generate this file
     * if set true, will equal to fileName.replace(/\\.user\\.js$/,'.meta.js')
     * @default false
    metaFileName?: string | boolean | ((fileName: string) => string);

     * this config can be array or object, array=Object.entries(object)
     * if value is string or function, it or its return value is exportVarName
     * if value is Array, the first [item or its return value] is exportVarName, the items after it all are url that is [require url]
     * if module is unimported, plugin will not add require url to userscript
     * @example
     * { // map structure
     *  vue:'Vue',
     *  // if set this
     *  // you need manually set userscript.require = ['https://unpkg.com/vue@3.0.0/dist/vue.global.js'], when `vite build`
     *  vuex:['Vuex', (version, name)=>`https://unpkg.com/${name}@${version}/dist/vuex.global.js`],
     *  // plugin will auto add this url to userscript.require
     *  'prettier/parser-babel': [
     *    'prettierPlugins.babel',
     *    (version, name, importName) => {
     *      // name == `prettier`
     *      // importName == `prettier/parser-babel`
     *      const subpath = `${importName.split('/').at(-1)}.js`;
     *      return `https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/${name}@${version}/${subpath}`;
     *    },
     *  ],
     *  // sometimes importName deffers from package name
     * }
     * @example
     * [ // array structure, this example come from [playground/ex-vue-demi](https://github.com/lisonge/vite-plugin-monkey/tree/main/playground/ex-vue-demi)
     *   [
     *     'vue',
     *     cdn
     *       .jsdelivr('Vue', 'dist/vue.global.prod.js')
     *       .concat('https://unpkg.com/vue-demi@latest/lib/index.iife.js')
     *       .concat(
     *         await util.fn2dataUrl(() => {
     *           window.Vue = Vue;
     *         }),
     *       ),
     *   ],
     *   ['pinia', cdn.jsdelivr('Pinia', 'dist/pinia.iife.prod.js')],
     *   [
     *     'element-plus',
     *     cdn.jsdelivr('ElementPlus', 'dist/index.full.min.js'),
     *   ],
     * ]
    externalGlobals?: ExternalGlobals;

     * according to final code bundle, auto inject GM_* or GM.* to userscript comment grant
     * tree shaking code, then if code.includes('GM_xxx'), add \@grant GM_xxx to userscript
     * @default true
    autoGrant?: boolean;

     * if you want minify all, just set viteConfig.build.minify=true
     * @default true
    minifyCss?: boolean;

     * @example
     * {  // resourceName default value is pkg.importName
     *   'element-plus/dist/index.css': pkg=>`https://unpkg.com/${pkg.name}@${pkg.version}/${pkg.resolveName}`,
     *   'element-plus/dist/index.css': {
     *     resourceName: pkg=>pkg.importName,
     *     resourceUrl: pkg=>`https://unpkg.com/${pkg.name}@${pkg.version}/${pkg.resolveName}`,
     *     loader: pkg=>{ // there are default loaders that support [css, json, the assets that vite support, ?url, ?raw] file/name suffix
     *        const css = GM_getResourceText(pkg.resourceName);
     *        GM_addStyle(css);
     *        return css;
     *     },
     *     nodeLoader: pkg=>{
     *        return [
     *          `export default (()=>{`,
     *          `const css = GM_getResourceText(${JSON.stringify(pkg.resourceName)});`,
     *          `GM_addStyle(css);`,
     *          `return css;`,
     *          `})();`
     *        ].join('');
     *     },
     *   },
     *   'element-plus/dist/index.css': [
     *      (version, name, importName, resolveName)=>importName,
     *      (version, name, importName, resolveName)=>`https://unpkg.com/${name}@${version}/${resolveName}`,
     *       // for compat externalGlobals cdn function, if (version/name/importName/resolveName) == '', plugin will use their own default values
     *   ],
     *   'element-plus/dist/index.css': cdn.jsdelivr(),
     * }
    externalResource?: ExternalResource;

     * ![img](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38517192/222153432-f27e1f3d-af1e-4d7f-a370-60d6a2eefb57.png)
     * @default
     * cdn.jsdelivr()[1]
    systemjs?: 'inline' | Mod2UrlFn2;

CDN util for external

import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import monkey, { cdn } from 'vite-plugin-monkey';
export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      build: {
        externalGlobals: {
          react: cdn.jsdelivr('React', 'umd/react.production.min.js'),
        externalResource: {
          'element-plus/dist/index.css': cdn.jsdelivr(),

there is the following cdn to use, full detail see cdn.ts

if you want use other cdn, you can see external-scripts

GM_api usage

ESM usage

we can use GM_api by esm module

// main.ts
import { GM_cookie, unsafeWindow, monkeyWindow, GM_addElement } from '$';
// $ is the default alias of vite-plugin-monkey/dist/client
// if you want use 'others', set monkeyConfig.clientAlias='others'

// whatever it is serve or build mode, monkeyWindow is always the window of [UserScript Scope]

GM_addElement(document.body, 'div', { innerHTML: 'hello' });

// whatever it is serve or build mode, unsafeWindow is always host window
if (unsafeWindow == window) {
  console.log('scope->host, host esm scope');
} else {
  console.log('scope->monkey, userscript scope');

GM_cookie.list({}, (cookies, error) => {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    const [cookie] = cookies;
    if (cookie) {

Global variables usage

set monkeyConfig.server.mountGmApi=true

// vite.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import monkey from 'vite-plugin-monkey';

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      // ...
      server: { mountGmApi: true },

GM_api will mount to the property of host window/globalThis

// main.ts
console.log(GM_cookie == globalThis.GM_cookie);
console.log({ GM_cookie, unsafeWindow, monkeyWindow, GM_addElement });

Auto import usage

use unplugin-auto-import

// vite.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import monkey, { util } from 'vite-plugin-monkey';
import AutoImport from 'unplugin-auto-import/vite';

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      imports: [util.unimportPreset],
      // ...
// main.ts
// auto import example
console.log({ GM_cookie, unsafeWindow, monkeyWindow, GM_addElement });


test examples, see /playground

and preact/react/svelte/vanilla/vue/solid examples, see create-monkey

Some note

Work with other plugins

plugin will rebuild your code by generateBundle hook

please ensure that the order of the plugin is the last one

in vite serve mode, the code entry is added as script to target host document.head, code need work between two origins

For http header csp

you can use Tampermonkey then open extension://iikmkjmpaadaobahmlepeloendndfphd/options.html#nav=settings

at Security, set Modify existing content security policy (CSP) headers to Remove entirely (possibly unsecure)

full detail see issues/1

and if you use Violentmonkey/Greasemonkey, you can solve it in the following ways

For html csp

Mixed IIFE and UMD at @require

the variable declared by var from iife-cdn will not become the property of window at monkeyWindow scope, because monkeyWindow scope is not global scope

so if an umd lib is dependent on an iife lib, such as element-plus is dependent on vue, element-plus cdn will not work

detail see issues/5 or greasyfork#1084

the solution is that we append a dataUrl script that will set iife-variable as the property of window after iife-cdn

import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import monkey, { cdn, util } from 'vite-plugin-monkey';

export default defineConfig(async ({ command, mode }) => ({
  plugins: [
      // ...
      build: {
        externalGlobals: {
          vue: cdn.jsdelivr('Vue', 'dist/vue.global.prod.js').concat(
            await util.fn2dataUrl(() => {
              // @ts-ignore
              window.Vue = Vue; // work with element-plus
          'element-plus': cdn.jsdelivr('ElementPlus', 'dist/index.full.min.js'),


when plugin works with vite legacy, it is necessary to set renderLegacyChunks=false

// vite.config.ts
import legacy from '@vitejs/plugin-legacy';
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import monkey from 'vite-plugin-monkey';

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      renderLegacyChunks: false,
      modernPolyfills: true,
      entry: './src/main.ts',


please commit your changes to dev branch