CSV Cleaner Tool Guide

This guide provides detailed instructions on how to use the csvcleaner.py Python script to clean a CSV file. The script extracts specific columns: Order ID, Order Status, Order Date, Customer Name, # Unique Products in Order, Product ID, Product QTY, Product SKU, and Product Name.


This tool is designed for MacOS and Linux (Unix-based systems).


  • Python must be installed on your system.
  • You need to have a CSV file to be processed.


  1. Python Script:

    • Download or copy the csvcleaner.py script.
    • Save this script in your home directory (~/).
  2. Prepare Your Desktop:

    • Create a new folder on your Desktop named raw_csv.
    • Place the CSV file you want to process in the raw_csv folder. Ensure it's the only file in this folder.
  3. Bash Script:

    • Ensure that the run_csv_cleaner.sh bash script is placed on your Desktop.

Running the Script

  1. Set Permissions (First Time Only):

    • Open the Terminal.
    • Run the command: chmod +x ~/Desktop/run_csv_cleaner.sh to set execute permissions for the bash script.
  2. Launch the Script:

    • Double-click the run_csv_cleaner.sh script on your Desktop or run it from the terminal.


  • The cleaned CSV file will be saved on your Desktop with the filename format: BigCommerce Orders CSV (cleaned) [YYYY-MM-DD].csv, where [YYYY-MM-DD] is the current date.


  • If the script does not run when double-clicked, try running it from the terminal with ~/Desktop/run_csv_cleaner.sh.
  • Ensure there are no additional CSV files in the raw_csv folder on your Desktop.
  • Confirm that the csvcleaner.py script is in your home directory and has not been moved or renamed.