
OFBiz Activiti Plugin

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

OFBiz-Activiti Plugin

OFBiz Activiti Plugin integrates Activiti WorkFlow into OFBiz.

This plugin is Deve for WorkFlow Manage project to make,it an light-weight workflow and Business Process Management.

Enabling Your OFBiz to support Big Power WorkFlow business needs

of course it base support is BPMN2.0 specification!

In short word, this plugin is a WorkFlow Implement. 🚀


Apache License V2.0



Quick Start

1. Checkout OFBiz 17.12.03 from https://github.com/apache/ofbiz-framework

2. Apply patches under patches/ofbiz to OFBiz

3. Download this plugin

4. Deploy this plugin in plugins/activiti/

5. Download gradle 5.6 and install. If you use gradlew, please edit gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties, change to use gradle 5.6:


6. Install OFBiz seed data by command:

gradle loadAll

7. Start OFBiz by command:

gradle ofbiz

8. In browser, visit http://localhost:8080/xxxx/xx/



After login successfully, you can see kie server information.

kie server

9. In browser, visit https://localhost:8443/kie-wb/

Username: admin

Password: ofbiz

After login successfully, you can use Kie workbench now.

kie workbench

10. Import a sample in Design, i.e. Mortgages and deploy it.

11. Add a kie-server named runtime/drools/ofbiz-kie-server in Deploy:

kie wb deploy

12. Verify any container is running by visiting http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers:

kie server containers

and check a specific container status, i.e. mortgages:mortgages:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT, by http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers/mortgages:mortgages:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT:

kie server container

13. Call rules in a kie-server container in postman:

13.1. Set Auth to Basic Auth, Username: kieserver, Password: sandflower

call rules in kie server: set Auth

13.2. Set Headers with Content-Type: application/json, X-KIE-ContentType: JSON, Accept: application/json

call rules in kie server: set Headers

13.3. Set Body in the post:

call rules in kie server: set Body

13.4. Send the post request and get rule result

call rules in kie server: Result

Development Notes

1. How to build webapp/business-central-7.17.0.Final for this plugin

1.1. Apply kie/business-central-distribution-wars-7.17.0.Final.patch to kie-wb-distributions/business-central-parent/business-central-distribution-wars/

apply patch to business-central-distribution-wars

1.2. Run mvn clean package to build target/business-central-7.17.0.Final-ofbiz, it's the webapp/business-central-7.17.0.Final in this plugin

build business-central-7.17.0.Final-ofbiz

2. How to build webapp/kie-server-7.17.0.Final for this plugin

2.1. Apply kie/kie-server-7.17.0.Final.patch to droolsjbpm-integration/kie-server-parent/kie-server-wars/kie-server/

apply patch to kie-server

2.2. Run mvn clean package to build target/kie-server-7.17.0.Final-ofbiz, it's the webapp/kie-server-7.17.0.Final

build kie-server-7.17.0.Final-ofbiz

3. Why apply patches/ofbiz/startup-with-webapp-context.xml.patch

As you see, when deploying kie-drools-wb or kie-server in tomcat, the META-INF/context.xml is applied. In OFBiz 17.12.03, it's not. With patches/ofbiz/startup-with-webapp-context.xml.patch, META-INF/context.xml is configured, and then authz and taglibs can work as expected:

         StandardContext context = new StandardContext();
+        String location = getWebappRootLocation(appInfo);
+        String contextXmlFilePath = new StringBuilder().append("file:///").append(location).append("/").append(Constants.ApplicationContextXml).toString();
+        URL contextXmlUrl = null;
+        try {
+            contextXmlUrl = FlexibleLocation.resolveLocation(contextXmlFilePath);
+            contextXmlFilePath = new StringBuilder().append(location).append("/").append(Constants.ApplicationContextXml).toString();
+            File contextXmlFile = FileUtil.getFile(contextXmlFilePath);
+            if(contextXmlFile.exists() && contextXmlFile.isFile()) { 
+                Debug.logInfo(contextXmlFilePath + " found and will be loaded.", module);
+                context.setConfigFile(contextXmlUrl);
+            } else {
+                // Debug.logInfo(contextXmlFilePath + " not found or not a file.", module);
+            }
+        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
+            Debug.logInfo(contextXmlFilePath+ " not found.", module);
+        }
-        String location = getWebappRootLocation(appInfo);

context.setConfigFile(contextXmlUrl) is the core line.

4. Why apply patches/ofbiz/build.gradle.patch

In this patch, rootProject.jvmArguments is exposed to submodule's build.gradle to extend or change them:

-List jvmArguments = ['-Xms128M', '-Xmx1024M']
+ext.jvmArguments = ['-Xms128M', '-Xmx1024M']

and then in the build.gradle of OFBiz-Drools plugin, the rootProject.jvmArguments are extended:

rootProject.jvmArguments.each { jvmArg ->
    if (jvmArg && jvmArg.startsWith("-Dlog4j.configurationFile=")) {
        originalLog4jConfig = jvmArg
        if (!jvmArg.endsWith("=")) {
            jvmArg += ","
        log4jConfig = jvmArg + "log4j2-drools.xml"
        findLogArg = true
        return true
if (!findLogArg) {
} else {


5. Why apply patches/ofbiz/cookie-name-slash.patch

There's a test case to add a prefix to /kie-wb and /kie-server in ofbiz-component.xml, for example:


The patches/ofbiz/cookie-name-slash.patch is to fix an error message on the auto login cookie in web brower:

     protected static String getAutoLoginCookieName(HttpServletRequest request) {
-        return UtilHttp.getApplicationName(request) + ".autoUserLoginId";
+        return UtilHttp.getApplicationName(request).replaceAll("/", ".") + ".autoUserLoginId";

6. Why apply patches/kie/kie-wb-common-examples-screen-backend-7.17.0.Final.patch

This patch is for kie-wb-common-examples-screen-backend. A new system property org.kie.wb.common.examples.dir is added and has privilege to user.dir property. This is a minor change you can ignore and use user.dir directly. If this patch is applied, a new kie-wb-common-examples-screen-backend-7.17.0.Final.jar will be built and deployed to webapp/business-central-7.17.0.Final/WEB-INF/lib/.

The code changed is:

-            String userDir = System.getProperty("user.dir");
+            String userDir = System.getProperty("org.kie.wb.common.examples.dir");
+            if (userDir == null) {
+                userDir = System.getProperty("user.dir");
+            }

In the build.gradle of this plugin, the org.kie.wb.common.examples.dir is set:


When running OFBiz, the kie workbench examples will be deployed under runtime/drools/.kie-wb-playground/:


7. Why apply patches/kie/kie-server-services-common-7.17.0.Final.patch

In this plugin, the default kie server id is set to runtime/drools/ofbiz-kie-server:


The ofbiz-kie-server.xml is expected to be auto-created during first startup and stored under runtime/drools/, and afterwards loading configurations in new startup from it:


And ofbiz-kie-server is expected as serverId so that it can be controlled in drools workbench:

kie wb deploy

The above scenario is the reason to create this patch.

According to Tomcat document, there are 2 types of class loader:

Therefore, from the perspective of a web application, class or resource loading looks in the following repositories, in this order:

Bootstrap classes of your JVM
/WEB-INF/classes of your web application
/WEB-INF/lib/*.jar of your web application
System class loader classes (described above)
Common class loader classes (described above)

If the web application class loader is configured with <Loader delegate="true"/> then the order becomes:

Bootstrap classes of your JVM
System class loader classes (described above)
Common class loader classes (described above)
/WEB-INF/classes of your web application
/WEB-INF/lib/*.jar of your web application

If your OFBiz is class loader type one, this patch is unnecessary as src/main/java/org/kie/server/services/impl/controller/DefaultRestControllerImpl.java will be built and deployed under /WEB-INF/classes.

If your OFBiz is type two and this is what I see in OFBiz 17.12.03, the patch can be applied to droolsjbpm-integration/kie-server-parent/kie-server-services/kie-server-services-common. The lib/kie-server-services-common-7.17.0.Final.jar is built with this patch.

8. Why gradle 5.6

The gradle version in gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties is 3.2.1. It has a problem to download files required by drools plugin properly and build Class-Path of MANIFEST.MF for ofbiz.jar correctly. In this case, it cannot resolve lucene version as expected. As we know, OFBiz use this Class-Path as classpath when starting. I happen to change 3.2.1 to 5.6 and it's ok. I guess many other gradle versions also work fine but I didn't try.


9. Why lib/juel-impl-no-osgi-2.2.7.jar

The original version of juel-impl-2.2.7.jar is included in build.gradle:

    compile 'de.odysseus.juel:juel-impl:2.2.7'

and it contains a services.xml under OSGI-INFO, the xml content is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<root xmlns:scr="http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/scr/v1.1.0">
    <scr:component name="de.odysseus.el.ExpressionFactoryImpl">
        <implementation class="de.odysseus.el.ExpressionFactoryImpl"/>
            <provide interface="javax.el.ExpressionFactory"/>

This OSGI config makes EL expressions in the jsp files error, so I unzipped the juel-impl-2.2.7.jar, removed OSGI-INFO and zip again, named the new jar to juel-impl-no-osgi-2.2.7.jar and placed it under lib folder. Then the jsp files work fine.

10. Why choose Kie 7.17.0.Final

There are 2 reasons behind this decision:

The 1st reason is cdi-api 1.x. The 7.20.0.Final is the last version support cdi-api 1.x. All other latest versions require cdi-api 2.0. While in my test, under Tomcat 9.0.x, Kie with cdi-api 2.0 couldn't work. I found this Tomcat cdi document, so I guess cdi-api 2.0 would be supported by Tomcat 9.5.x or later.

The 2nd reason is kie 7.17.0.Final is the latest version support cdi-api 1.x which can also build lucene index correctly and still work after restarts. All the other latest version will report lock error: org.apache.lucene.store.LockObtainFailedException: Lock held by this virtual machine

11. Don't forget to match Elasticsearch and Lucene version with ofbiz-plugins

The lucene version in OFBiz Lucene plugin 17.12.03 is 7.1.0, which is newer than the version in kie, I changed several java files under src/main/java/org/uberfire/ext/ to match this version upgrade, and use Elasticsearch 6.1.1 accordingly.

Thanks for reading this document.

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