The causal-Graphical Normalizing Flows (cGNF) project focuses on answering causal questions with the use of normalizing flows. This project incorporates deep learning models from Graphical Normalizing Flows (GNFs) and Unconstrained Monotonic Neural Networks (UMNNs).
The method assumes a causal structure for the data in the form of a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). It then learns a normalizing flow for the joint distribution of the data based on this causal structure. This flow is then inverted to perform hypothetical interventions and simulate potential outcomes.
This guide walks you through setting up the Python environment and utilizing cGNF
to analyze your own dataset. For users who are new to Python, we recommend following the instructions step by step. Experienced Python users can directly pip install cGNF
to download the libraries, and then skip to Setting up a Dataset.
The source code for cGNF is available on GitHub. We're here for any questions, discussions, and contributions. We are committed to responding promptly and fostering a collaborative environment.
- Setting up
with PyCharm - Setting up a Dataset
- Training a Model
- Coding Tutorials with Simulated Data
Install Python:
Before you start, ensure you have Python 3.9 installed, other versions may not be compatible with the dependencies for
:During the installation, make sure to tick the option
Add Python to PATH
to ensure Python is accessible from the command line. -
Download & Install PyCharm Community Edition:
Launch PyCharm:
- Start PyCharm Community Edition.
Create a New Project:
On the welcome screen, click on "Create New Project."
Name your project and choose its location.
Set up a Virtual Environment:
In the "Interpreter" section, select "Virtualenv".
Specify a location for the virtual environment (e.g., within your project directory).
Ensure the base interpreter points to your installed version of Python.
Click "Create" to create your new Python project with a virtual environment.
Activate the Virtual Environment within PyCharm:
Once the project is created, PyCharm should automatically activate the virtual environment for you. You'll see the environment's name in the bottom-right corner of the PyCharm window.
and Dependencies:In PyCharm, open the terminal (usually at the bottom of the IDE).
Install the
package:pip install --index-url --extra-index-url cGNF
To update the package in the future:
pip install --upgrade --index-url --extra-index-url cGNF
If you need PyTorch with CUDA support:
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=<desired_version, e.g., 11.2> -c pytorch
Start Developing with
Right-click on the project folder in the "Project" pane.
Choose "New" and then "Python File" to start creating Python scripts using
Ensure your data frame is stored in CSV format with the first row set as variable names and subsequent rows as values. An example structure:
X | Y | Z |
-0.673503 | 0.86791503 | -0.673503 |
0.7082311 | -0.8327477 | 0.7082311 |
... | ... | ... |
Note: any row with at least one missing value will be automatically removed during the data preprocessing stage (see Training a Model).
utilizes an adjacency matrix in CSV format to recognize a DAG. Use the following steps in Python to generate an adjacency matrix:
collections.Iterable =
import networkx as nx
from causalgraphicalmodels import CausalGraphicalModel
Define your DAG structure using the CausalGraphicalModel
Your_DAG_name = CausalGraphicalModel(
nodes=["var1", "var2", ...],
edges=[("parent", "child"), ...]
For example, with a simple DAG X → Y → Z, the argument will be as follows:
Simple_DAG = CausalGraphicalModel(
nodes=["X", "Y", "Z"],
edges=[("X", "Y"), ("Y", "Z")]
your_adj_mat_name = nx.to_pandas_adjacency(Your_DAG_name.dag, dtype=int)
Save the matrix as a CSV file:
your_adj_mat_name.to_csv('/path_to_data_directory/' + 'your_adj_mat_name' + '.csv')
Alternatively, you can manually create an adjacency matrix in a CSV file by listing variables in both the first row and the first column. Here's how you interpret the matrix:
The row represents the parent node, and the column represents the child node.
If the cell at row X and column Y (i.e., position (X, Y)) contains a 1, it means X leads to Y.
If it contains a 0, it means X does not lead to Y.
Remember, since this is a directed graph, a 0 at position (Y, X) doesn't imply a 0 at position (X, Y).
For example, the below adjacency matrix describes a DAG where X → Y → Z.
X | Y | Z | |
X | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Y | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Z | 0 | 0 | 0 |
- Make sure you save the adjacency matrix in the same directory as your dataframe.
is implemented in three stages, corresponding to three separate Python functions:
: Prepares the dataset and adjacency matrix. -
: Trains the model. -
: Estimates potential outcomes.
Additionally, a bootstrap
function is provided to facilitate parallel execution of these functions across multiple CPU cores.
from cGNF import process
path='/path_to_data_directory/', # File path where the dataset and DAG are located
dataset_name='your_dataset_name', # Name of the dataset
dag_name= 'you_adj_mat_name', # Name of the adjacency matrix (DAG) to be used
test_size=0.2, # Proportion of data used for the validation set
cat_var=['X', 'Y'], # List of categorical variables
sens_corr={("X", "Y"):0.2, ("C","Y"):0.1}, # Vector of sensitivity parameters (i.e., normalized disturbance correlations)
seed=None # Seed for reproducibility
: If the dataset has no categorical variables, setcat_var=None
. -
: If specified, the train and sim functions will produce bias-adjusted estimates using the supplied disturbance correlations. -
The function will automatically remove any row that contains at least one missing value.
The function converts the dataset and the adjacency matrix into tensors. These tensors are then packaged into a PKL file named after
and saved within thepath
directory. This PKL file is later used for model training.
from cGNF import train
path='/path_to_data_directory/', # File path where the PKL file is located
dataset_name='your_dataset_name', # Name of the dataset
model_name='models', # Name of the folder where the trained model will be saved
trn_batch_size=128, # Training batch size
val_batch_size=2048, # Validation batch size
learning_rate=1e-4, # Learning rate
seed=None, # Seed for reproducibility
nb_epoch=50000, # Number of total epochs
emb_net=[90, 80, 60, 50], # Architecture of the embedding network (nodes per hidden layer)
int_net=[50, 40, 30, 20], # Architecture of the integrand network (nodes per hidden layer)
nb_estop=50, # Number of epochs for early stopping
val_freq=1 # Frequency per epoch with which the validation loss is computed
: The folder will be saved under thepath
. -
Hyperparameters that influence the neural network's performance include the number of layers and nodes in
, the early stopping criterion innb_estops
, the learning rate inlearning_rate
, the training batch size intrn_batch_size
, and the frequency with which the validation loss is evaluated to determine whether the early stopping criterion has been met inval_freq
. When setting these parameters, always be mindful of the potential for bias (in simple models, trained rapidly, with a stringent early stopping criterion) versus overfitting (in complex models, trained slowly, with little regularization).
from cGNF import sim
path='/path_to_data_directory/', # File path where the PKL file is located
dataset_name='your_dataset_name', # Name of the dataset
model_name='models', # Name of the folder where the trained model is located
n_mce_samples=50000, # Number of Monte Carlo draws from the trained distribution model
treatment='X', # Treatment variable
cat_list=[0, 1], # Treatment values for counterfactual outcomes
moderator='C', # Specify to conduct moderation analysis (i.e., compute effects conditional on the supplied moderator)
quant_mod=4, # If the moderator is continuous, specify the number of quantiles used to evaluate the conditional effects
mediator=['M1', 'M2'], # List mediators for mediation analysis (i.e., to compute direct, indirect, or path-specific effects)
outcome='Y', # Outcome variable
inv_datafile_name='your_counterfactual_dataset' # Name of the file where Monte Carlo samples are saved
helps reduce simulation error during the inference stage but may increase computation time. -
: Multiple treatment values are permitted. If a mediator is specified, only two values are allowed, where the first value represents the control condition and the second represents the treated condition. -
: If the moderator is categorical and has fewer than 10 categories, the function will display potential outcomes based on different moderator values.For continuous moderators or those with over ten categories, the outcomes are displayed based on quantiles, determined by
. By default, withquant_mod=4
, the moderator values are divided on quartiles.When conditional treatment effects are not of interest, or the dataset has no moderators, set
. -
: Multiple mediators are permitted. When specifying several mediators, ensure they are supplied in their causal order, in which case the function returns a set of path-specific effects.When direct, indirect, or path-specific effects are not of interest, or the dataset has no mediators, set
.Moderated mediation analysis is available by specifying the
parameters simultaneously. -
: The function, by default, createspotential_outcome.csv
, which holds counterfactual samples derived from thecat_list
input values, andpotential_outcome_results.csv
, cataloging the computed potential outcomes. These outputs are saved in the designatedpath
specified, additional counterfactual data files will be produced for each path-specific effect. These files are named with the suffix mn_0 or mn_1, corresponding to different treatment conditions.The suffix '_0' indicates the scenario where the treatment and all subsequent mediators past the nth mediator are set to the control condition, whereas the nth mediator and those before it assume the treated condition.
Conversely, the suffix '_1' indicates the scenario where the treatment and all mediators following the nth mediator are in the treated condition, and those mediators preceding and including the nth mediator are in the control condition.
"seed": 2121380
"seed": 2121380
"treatment": 'A',
"outcome": 'Y',
"inv_datafile_name": 'A_Y'
"treatment": 'C',
"outcome": 'Y',
"inv_datafile_name": 'C_Y'
from cGNF import bootstrap
n_iterations=10, # Number of bootstrap iterations
num_cores_reserve=2, # Number of cores to reserve
base_path='/path_to_data_directory/', # Base directory where the dataset and DAG are located
folder_name='bootstrap_2k', # Folder name for this bootstrap session
dataset_name='your_dataset_name', # Name of the dataset being used
dag_name='you_adj_mat_name', # Name of the DAG file associated with the dataset
process_args=process_args, # Arguments for the data preprocessing function
train_args=train_args, # Arguments for the model training function
sim_args_list=[sim_args1, sim_args2] # List of arguments for multiple estimation configurations
The function generates a file named
, which contains all the potential outcome results from each bootstrap iteration. -
To skip certain stages, you can add
, or setsim_args_list=None
. -
The function generates
number of folders underbase_path
, each named with thefolder_name
followed by an iteration suffix. -
, anddag_name
are automatically included inprocess_args
, andsim_args_list
, so you don't need to specify them separately for each set of arguments. -
When specifying parameters in each set of arguments (
), enclose parameter names in single ('
) or double ("
) quotes and use a colon (:
) instead of an equals sign (=
) for assignment.
for detailed implementation)
Define the data generating process (DGP) as:
The corresponding directed acyclic graph (DAG):
A --> Y
- Generate N samples from the DGP and construct the corresponding adjacency matrix.
- Store both the sample dataframe and adjacency matrix at the designated
. - Process the dataset and initiate model training.
- Conduct potential outcome estimation to estimate:
for detailed implementation)
Define the DGP as:
The corresponding DAG:
A --> Y
C --> A
C --> Y
- Generate N samples from the DGP and construct the corresponding adjacency matrix.
- Store both the sample dataframe and adjacency matrix at the designated
. - Process the dataset and initiate model training.
- Conduct potential outcome estimation to estimate:
(See cGNF_ND(I)
for detailed implementation)
Define the DGP as:
The corresponding DAG:
A --> M
M --> Y
A --> Y
C --> A
C --> Y
- Generate N samples from the DGP and construct the corresponding adjacency matrix.
- Store both the sample dataframe and adjacency matrix at the designated
. - Process the dataset and initiate model training.
- Conduct potential outcome estimation to estimate:
- Direct and Indirect Effects Decomposition:
Note: for conditional direct and indirect effect estimates, adjust the moderator=None
parameter to moderator='C'
for detailed implementation)
Define the DGP as:
The corresponding DAG:
A --> L
L --> M
A --> M
M --> Y
A --> Y
L --> Y
C --> A
C --> L
C --> M
C --> Y
- Generate N samples from the DGP and construct the corresponding adjacency matrix.
- Store both the sample dataframe and adjacency matrix at the designated
. - Process the dataset and initiate model training.
- Conduct potential outcome estimation to estimate:
- Path-Specific Effects Decomposition:
Note: for conditional path-specific effect estimates, adjust the moderator=None
parameter to moderator='C'
for detailed implementation)
Based on cGNF_ND(I)
, refine the DGP to simulate correlated error terms
The corresponding DAG:
U1 --> A
U1 --> Y
U2 --> M
U2 --> Y
A --> M
M --> Y
A --> Y
C --> A
C --> Y
- Generate N samples from the DGP and construct the corresponding adjacency matrix. Exclude U1 and U2 from the dataframe and adjacency matrix to simulate the presence of unobserved confounding.
- Store both the sample dataframe and adjacency matrix at the designated
. - Process the dataset by adding
to test correlations of error terms, and then initiate model training. - Conduct potential outcome estimation to estimate desired effects.
for detailed implementation)
Define the DGP and DAG as same as in
- Generate N samples from the DGP and construct the corresponding adjacency matrix.
- Store both the sample dataframe and adjacency matrix at the designated
. - Initiate n bootstrapping iterations.
- In each iteration, perform two stages of potential outcome estimations to estimate:
- Calculate the 80% Confidence Interval (CI) for the desired effects by identifying the 10th and 90th percentiles.