
Dockerized PHP with confd support

Primary LanguagePHP

Custom Debian image

Customized version of the debian base image. Removes systemd and udev and adds them to the ignore list.

Does not install documentation of packages.

Compile PHP

You need to create a php tar using the following commands:

docker build -f ./Dockerfile-build-php  -t phpfarm-build .
docker run --rm --name phpfarm -v `pwd`/pkg:/pkg phpfarm-build

afterwards you can build the debian-php container

docker build -t mosaiksoftware/php .


This images provides an easy way to add packages to a derived image create a dir /selections add place a file inside this dir e.g. yourPackages which looks like: git install zsh install

then call RUN set-selections yourPackages inside your derived Dockerfile.

apt and dpkg preferences

place apt settings in config/apt and dpkg preferences in config/dpkg the will be included in the new image automaticaly.


Including confd. See: https://github.com/kelseyhightower/confd/blob/master/docs/quick-start-guide.md

entrypoint commands

this image contains some predefined commands:


you can init this container using the entrypoint "init" it will run /docker/container_init.d scripts using run-parts.

Periodic tasks

all tasks in /docker/periodic_hourly.d and /docker/periodic_daily.d will be run. they should be executable and will be run unsing run-parts.



Integration daily script:

echo "run/whatever" >> /srv/runme.sh 
chmod a+x /srv/runme.sh

docker run -v /srv/runme.sh /docker/periodic_daily.d/runme.sh


This image has been flatened running docker run --name debian mosaiksoftware/debian:onbuild && docker export debian | docker import - mosaiksoftware/debian:latest which reduces its size to 43 MB.

However we lose ONBUILD capabilities doing so.

Add this to your dockerfile if you dont use :onbuild : COPY selections /selections/ COPY config/etc /etc