
A simple learning game for children utilizing PhoneGap / Cordova and AngularJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

BusyBeeSpelling App

A simple learning game for children utilizing PhoneGap / Cordova and AngularJS


First install PhoneGap

$ sudo npm install -g phonegap

Second Install Codrova CLI

$ sudo npm install -g cordova

Third Add Platforms to Project (untracked by git)

$ cordova platform add ios && cordova platform add browser && cordova platform add android

Lastly Build the Project

$ cordova build

Running The App

This will open the app in a browser window, replace browser with your plaform of choice.

$ cordova run browser

To view which platforms are available:

$ cordova platforms ls

To remove a platform:

$ cordova platform remove android

IMPORTANT NOTE: You must be sure to have the SDK of the platform you wish to run installed on your machine. Having Xcode installed will enable cordova to launch the ap in the built in emulator, installing the Android SDK will be required to run and emulate the Android platform.