Credit Source

Credit Source is a web application that depends on the CreditRequest.sol contract. It aims to allow the underwriting of credit lines from vouchers to requesters, where the the first group of people doesn't know how much they can trust the other.

Credit Source aims to provide more information about the requesters that might be valuable to the vouchers.

Providing lines of credit is a risky operation and the additional information might not be enough. We, by no means, vouch for any requester, and you should assume that any line of credit is very risky and will likely result to a default so you can adjust the interest accordingly.

The information that Credit Source currently provides:

  • Current credit lines on Union Protocol alongside repayments and amount borrowed so far.
  • Ownership of native currencies.
  • Ownership of tokens and NFTs, when they are used as filters.

Smart Contract

The smart contract contract-hardhat/contracts/CreditRequest.sol is currently deployed on Arbitrum Goerli at: 0x1646b92dc747103ec0F6E71914B8Eca18ca21648

The smart contract keeps track of the line of credit that users have requested and it is updated only by the users' themselves.

To deploy the smart contract:

cd contract-hardhat/
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network arbitrumGoerli

Web Application

The web application is built with Next.js.

To run the development server:

npm run dev

UI Overview

Below is a screenshot of the UI.

  • On the left hand side, there is:
    • a field for making requests for credit lines, after a user connects with their wallet
    • a list of filter fields to filter in only the requesters that own a particular token
  • On the right hand side there is a list of the requesters who have made their desire for lines of credit public on the Avalanche or Arbitrum blockchains
