cPMigration is a CLI tool created to streamline the migration process to cPanel managed servers. This tool is designed for migrating accounts from Plesk, DirectAdmin, and Ensim, and even other cPanel servers to the Destination server from where it is running.
DISCLAIMER: cPMigration is not officially supported by cPanel, Inc. It is developed and maintained by cPanel employees, but is provided for educational purposes only. Usage of this script is to done so at the operator's discretion.
./cpmig -s <hostname or ip> [options]
-s <hostname or ip of sourceserver>
-p sourceport
-a <username or domain>, specify single account
-i <ip address>, specify ip address to restore to
-l <filename>, Read accounts from list
-k keep archives on both servers
-D use DEVEL scripts on remote setup (3rdparty)
-S skip remote setup
-R <destip>, Set up Remote MySQL grants for destination ip (cPanel > cPanel migration only)
-h displays this dialogue
-s - Source server
This option specifies the Source server for the migration. Without
any additional options, this will run a migration in default operation.
./cpmig -s
-p - Source Port
This option specifies the SSH port on the Source server. If not set,
the default is port 22.
./cpmig -s -p 2200
-a - Specify Single Account or domain
Use this option when wanting to only migrate a single account
./cpmig -s -a domuser
./cpmig -s -a domain.com
-i - Specify which IP address the account should be restored to.
./cpmig -s -a domain.com -i
-l - Read accounts from a list
When you have a specific list of accounts to migrate, use this option.
./cpmig -s -l /root/accountlist.com
Contents of /root/accountlist.com:
(Note: Each account can be located by either their domain name or
-k - Keep archives
This option prevents the script from deleting the cpmove tar.gz files
after it's done with them.
-D - Use DEVEL scripts for remote scripts used on third party migrations.
This option allows the script to use the DEVEL tree for pkgacct instead
-S - Skip remote setup
This option skips remote setup entirely. Useful if the scripts on the
Source are modified.
-R - Use Remote MySQL Mode
When both hosts share the same Remote MySQL mode, special steps must be
taken for success.
./cpmig -s -R
<destip> is the IP interface on the Destination server that is used to
access the Remote MySQL Host. If this is done through a private network,
then use the private IP address bound to the Destination server.
-h - Displays the help dialogue.
The default operation of this script is specifically when the script is started
with the minimal required parameters. For example:
./cpmig -s
The default operation is as follows:
* Install sshpass for cpmig if not already done
* Promt user for Source server password
* Connect to the Source server, determine it's type, and set up remote scripts
(if necessary)
* Compare a list of accounts from the Destination and the Source to build a list
of all accounts that do not already exist on the Destination server.
* Run the process loop on the listed accounts.
Process Loop:
The process loop consists of five phases.
1) Package the account on the Source server.
2) Transfer the account package from the Source to the Destination server.
3) Delete the account package from the Source server.
4) Restore the account package to the Destination server.
5) Delete the account package from the Destination server.
Error checking is done at every phase of the process and the end of the process
loop itself.
All cPMigration logging goes to /root/.cpmig/logs .
There are three files generated for each migration in the following likeness:
The after-action.txt is an output of the migration summary, containing
information about what accounts were successfull and which ones failed.
The status.txt contains a simple list of usernames indicating whether they had
"FAILED" or were "OK".
The .log file contains all the raw logs from all the migrations performed in the
cPMigration run. If there was a problem, this is the place to look.
In addition to the normal logging, a migration log is also generated per-user
and placed at /var/cpanel/logs/ . These can be conveniently accessed in WHM
"Review Copied Accounts"