
Primary LanguageJavaScript

How to develop

Go to

all the logic is in three files:

Frontend: client/src/container/AppContainer.js


  • server/models/sms.js


  • server/models/xxxxx.json
  • DB migrations in migrations/

The deployment

  • Connect as ubuntu:

ssh -i albine.pem ubuntu@

  • add your public key to the user www-data

When you have www-data ssh access to the server (ssh www-data@, deploy:

npm run deploy

Local installation

Install node 6.xxx , virtualbox, ansible

  • Launch VM: vagrant up

  • Connect to the vagrant: vagrant ssh

  • Compile the frontend code:

sudo su - www-data
cd /var/www/albine/current/client && npm rebuild node-sass
cd ../ && npm run build:client
  • Run migrations:
cd /var/www/albine/current && npm run migrate:up
  • Start the server:
cd /var/www/albine/current && node server/server.js

Now, you are set up !

You can browse a static page served by Loopback at the following url :

Migrations to change the db structure:

  • Create: npm run migrate:create
  • Down: npm run migrate:down
  • Up: npm run migrate:up

How to develop in local

Run the webpack-dev-server on your local environment:

  • cd client && npm run dev.

In an other terminal, start your vagrant and launch the node server:

  • vagrant up
  • vagrant ssh
  • cd /var/www/albine/current && node server/server.js

Create data for your app

The whole db is editable using the CRUD interface:

For example, to add a tweet:!/Tweet/Tweet_create