Crowdfunding Smart Contract

Getting Started:

Add Moonbase Alphanet to your Metamask wallet

there is a button on left bottom corner:


Interact with the smart contract:

  • Add the Smart Contract ABI to Remix(The Easiest way to interact with this smart contract)
    • download the smart contract source code and add it to Remix IDE
    • goto Solidity compiler tab:
    • image
    • make sure to follow these settings and press "compile crowdFunding.sol" blue button:
    • image
  • Add Smart Contract Address
    • goto deploy and run transaction tab
    • image
    • add deployed smart contract address(0x95DF565dDB5483B1876E314cf7d79b9acb4c8063)
    • image
    • deployed smart contract should be loaded now:
    • image
    • select Injected Provider - Metamask Environment:
    • image
    • and switch to Moonbase Alphanet testnet
    • image
    • finally you can interact or contribute to the crowd funding program by pressing the red contribute button:
    • image
    • there are few function that can be called through those buttons, every functions are pretty described its functionality, i'm open for any questions if there are any confusing parts.