
Simple Twatter bot

Primary LanguagePython


Simple multithreaded python Twitter bot. Uses configuration file passed at runtime to define the number of threads to create. Configuration file must be passed using either -c or --config flags and be in the following format:


With <key> and <secret> being the API keys obtained from Twitter, in string format. The KEY, <value> pairs must be tab separated.

Each @<user> will create an individual bot, each with their own list of targets (users to torment) and associated word and media lists [all of which will be set up at runtime].

The bot targets (users to respond to) must be passed at runtime using the -v or --victim flags and must be a list of Twitter screenames.


Text to tweet will be defined at runtime and must be a .txt file of responses, each on a separate line. To include media in a response, you must include the file name on the respective reply line, and separate it by ::. The media file must be contained in the media directory supplied when asked at runtime.

Media can be of any format accepted by Twitter (.png, .jpg, .gif, etc.).

Example line that includes media in tweet_text.txt:

	media.png::This is a response that includes a media file #BotsWillDestroyHumanInteraction
Example non-media line in tweet_text.txt:

	This is a #response that does not include media #ILoveBots

Use -o or --printout to print all bot responses to stdout.

Python Version


Required Packages

  install requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt


python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt


usage: tormentor.py [-h] [-o] -c CON -v VIC

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o, --printout        Print all activity to stdout

required arguments:
  -c CON, --config CON  Path to config file
  -v VIC, --victim VIC  Path to username file

Usage Example

./tormentor.py -c config.conf -v victims.txt -o