Modular image picker with Simulator-compatible AVFondation camera, assets library, filters and more.
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Images count issue
#19 opened by ijameelkhan - 9
NBUCoreImageFilterProvider [ciImage autoAdjustmentFilters]; No longer exists in iOS 9
#15 opened by DanH-SyncInteractive - 3
Zoom Feature
#18 opened by anilios - 3
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EXC_BAD_ACCESS in NBUAssetsGroup libraryChanged
#10 opened by almoehi - 3
How can I get Apple default filters and Can I add new Apple filter if not found.
#16 opened by riksof-abdulrauf - 5
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memory not release
#12 opened by jobpassion - 1
'Pods-environment.h' file not found
#11 opened by estock - 0
Come up with a clean way to configure not-yet loaded views' properties from controllers or Picker.
#3 opened by rivera-ernesto - 7
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Performing segue causes error of taking photo
#4 opened by jennik - 7
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