
decentralized GUI wallet and DEX gateway dapp like ShapeShift

Primary LanguageJavaScript

atomicDEX v0.1

SPV lightweight GUI wallet for KMD and BTCH. This is experimental software and a functional prototype. This project is being currently ported to atomicDEX QT.

Install dependencies


curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh
git clone https://github.com/ca333/atomicDEX
cd atomicDEX
meteor npm install --save sweetalert
meteor npm install --save pm2 fs-extra fix-path

run the aotomicDEX GUI: (current version has only OSX/WIN version of the komodoplatformdaemon included)

meteor run


Follow the instructions from above (OSX) and place your marketmaker executable inside private/static/LINUXin the atomicDEX directory.


Install chocolatey from https://chocolatey.org/install and afterwards install meteor via administrator command prompt:

choco install meteor