
This repository is intended for a web page that will allow the user to manage their healthy routine.

Healthy-Routine 🥗🏋️‍♂️

This repository is for a web application designed to help users manage their healthy routines. The project is structured into two main folders: backend and frontend, and is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Project Structure 🗂️

  • Branch: master

  • Backend: Organized into four main components:

    • controllers: Handle the logic for incoming requests. 🧑‍💻
    • models: Define the data structure and interact with the database. 🗄️
    • db: Contains the database configuration and connection setup. 🔧
    • routes: Define the routes and map them to the appropriate controllers. 🛤️
  • Frontend: The user interface is developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to provide a seamless experience for managing diet and healthy routines. 🌐

Description 📜

The Healthy-Routine website allows users to track and manage their diet and healthy activities. Users can set goals, log their meals, track their exercise routines, and get insights into their progress.

Feel free to explore the code and contribute to improving the project! 🚀

Getting Started 🚀

  1. Clone the repository. 🖱️
  2. Navigate to the frontend and backend directories to set up and run the respective components. 🛠️

Contributing 🤝

We welcome contributions to improve the project. 🌟