
project-group-0 created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguagePython

Susceptible-Infected-Removed (SIR) Disease Spread Model Simulations and Variations

STAT 37830 Project - Group 0

Authors: Yu An, Frieda Han, Yun Lin


The project investigates a brief introduction of the Susceptible-Infected-Removed (SIR) Model and implements it through agent-based, ODE continuous and spacial simulation, indicating that this model can be quite useful in contagion studies. By reviewing a few existing literature, some extensions as well as variations under the SIR model are explored, which includes considering the effect of quarantine, estimating a time-varying parameter, and introducing a new strain.

Keywords: SIR Model, disease spread, infectious disease, contagion modeling

Related Files:

  • sir - Python package include class and function definitions for model simulations

  • scripts - include scripts used to run code

  • doc - include subfolders doc/checkpoint and doc/final, which respectively contain checkpoints and final reports and related plots

  • test.py - include unit tests