
Simple kata to learn how to implement an hexagonal architecture.

Primary LanguageKotlinGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Hexagonal Invoice Kata

The idea of this kata is to learn how to implement a hexagonal architecture project while understanding some benefits that it will bring to you and your team.

Hexagon loading image property of Ferenc Horvat

Table of Contents


This is a simple exercise to practice with hexagonal architecture. You can read multiple articles about hexagonal, and each one will give you a different view, different implementation details or different names. This is what worked for me in the lasts years. It does not mean that other solutions are worse or better, it's just my experience. Of course, following this architecture model, there are more advanced concepts, but the idea of this kata is to start with hexagonal, so it needs to be simple and demonstrate the basic concepts.

The same concepts can be applied to other languages or situations, but for sure, they will need to be adapted.

As said, this is an exercise just for the hexagonal architecture. Said that, do not expect that I enforce any other concept/behaviour during this kata. You can always do it following TDD, DDD, apply all the design principles that you want or do a code full of smells, if you understand how hexagonal architecture can be implemented, how to use it and when, that's the main objective of this kata.

You can always contact me, write an issue or directly create a PR if you want to propose, modify, update or correct anything in this project.


There are multiple explanations, articles and even books out there about the pro/cons of hexagonal architecture that you can read to understand them, but as a summary, I would say:

  • Infrastructure independence. It allows you to not be dependant on any infrastructure, call it a framework, database client, messaging system or any other concept you can imagine. It facilitates to modify for example a database by a REST endpoint, without modifying your business logic.
  • Business logic isolation. Your business logic is the core of your application. You can develop the core concepts without being involved in I/O. It facilitates the incremental delivery strategy of your application, as lots of technology decisions can be replaced quickly if hexagonal architecture is implemented correctly in your project.
  • Easy to test. It facilitates the unit testing of your application. There are multiple concepts out there about testing, but this architecture allows you to fully test your core concepts independently of your infrastructure, and vice-versa.
  • High Maintainability. As your code is isolated, independent and easily testable, it facilitates the maintainability of your project. It allows you to introduce new features without too much effort, and refactor existing ones really quick.



There are only two never-breaking rules in hexagonal architecture:

  1. You need at least 3 layers of abstraction
  2. You must always go from outer layers to inner layers, never the other side around.


More information to come πŸ”œ

Hexagonal Diagram


You need Gradle and Kotlin for this kata. Some files needed by the kata are compiled with java 8, so you'll need also any JDK 8+

To compile the whole project, just execute 'gradle clean build' from terminal, or import the project with IntelliJ and let the magic happen! ✨

1. Introduction

Description: Your new job starts today in a very famous media group ☺️. You have been told that you are hired to improve their current application that provides invoice data to their customers. The last intern created a simple application that accomplishes what they want nowadays, but you'll need to add new features to it quite soon, so it's better to start taking a look at it.

  • Open the hexagonal-invoice-kata module and investigate it!
  • Familiarize with the current code structure
  • Check green tests βœ…

Invoice Application

Summary: As you can see the current application has:

  • Application.kt It's the application configuration, where all the Dependency Injection magic happens. It uses ktor
  • InvoiceController.kt It's the controller that calls your current InvoiceService and returns a JSON response
  • InvoiceService.kt It's where the business logic happens. Nowadays, it just calls all the external-services were we retrieve data, and created the Invoice object
  • external-services dependency. There are 3 different dependencies, AccountClient, ProductClient and ProductRepository, where you are currently retrieving data from.

2. Non-Hexagonal Solution

(15 - 30 min)

If you are already convinced of the benefits of hexagonal architecture you can skip this part of the kata. Here we will familiarise ourselves more with our current application, and we will test our current architecture adding and modifying existing features/dependencies. The main idea is to check what happens in a non-organised architecture, and later on, compare the same changes with a hexagonal architecture

2.1 Change the external dependency

Description: First thing we'll need to do before implementing any new logic, is update our company dependencies (external-services) to its latest version

Invoice Application

  • Change externalServicesVersion dependency version to 2 on file hexagonal-invoice-kata-application/build.gradle.kts
  • Solve compilation issues on InvoiceService ⚠️
  • Check tests are red because of JSON changes ⁉️
  • Solve JSON changes
  • Check green tests βœ…

Summary: You had to modify multiple parts of your InvoiceService due to changes in an external dependency. It also implied some changes to your JSON response 🀦

2.2 New features to be implemented

Description: We want to add some discounts to some of our best customers. Premium accounts will have better prices. πŸ’Έ

  • There is a new endpoint on AccountClient getPremiumFeatures(accountId: String)
  • ProductRepository now returns also the premiumPrice
  • Change InvoiceService to return premium prices for premium accounts
  • Copy kata-test-data/1-final files to your test/resources. Overwrite everything
  • Check green tests βœ…

Summary: You had some problems with the product price because you were using an external Product object.

2.3 Another External Services version

Description: You have been told that the ProductRepository has been decommissioned, so you'll need to update to a newer version of external-services

Invoice Application

  • Change externalServicesVersion dependency version to 3 on file hexagonal-invoice-kata-application/build.gradle.kts
  • This new version removes the need for a repository ❗
  • Solve compilation issues on InvoiceService ⚠️
  • You'll need also to remove ProductRepository from Application.kt ⚠️
  • Solve JSON problems with fields we don't want to expose (PII data) ⁉️
  • Check green tests βœ…

Summary: You had to modify completely your InvoiceService, while there are no new business rules 🀦. You also exposed PII information from your customers ❌ but thanks to a test you realised before deploying in production.

2.4 Summary

  • Just one business rule change, but you modified your InvoiceService in all 3 steps 🀦
  • Changes on external dependencies implied changes/issues across your whole application 😧
  • Thanks to our existing tests, we realised that we were exposing critical PII information just updating an external dependency 😀
  • If you added any test, that they were broken on each change 😑

3. Migrating to Hexagonal Architecture

(10 - 20 min)


3.1. Create the contracts

Description: We need to create the model and the contracts we want to offer (outbound) and the ones to retrieve the data we need (inbound)

  • Rever or stash your change from the previous exercise. Leave the code as just cloned from GitHub
  • Create model/outbound and model/inbound folders
  • Create InvoiceApi interface on the outbound package, and offer a function to get an invoice from an accountId
  • Create the Invoice model with all the fields (account, products, totalAmount)
  • Now let's create inbound APIs. AccountApi and ProductApi
  • Create the functions you think are needed in each API (think about the function from the business logic needs)
  • Create also the respective models (Account, Product)

Summary: What functions did you create in ProductApi? If you think about it from the business logic needs, you just need a function to retrieve all the products from an accountId. If that product is retrieved from a client, a repository or from multiple different places is not something our business logic should care about at all.

There are multiple approaches to the models used in your APIs. You can always reuse the Account and Product models from the inbound package in your Invoice outbound model but can cause some issues in the future. I would always recommend to use different models for both outbound and inbound packages, even if they look the same.

3.2 Implement our business logic

Description: Now that we have our outbound and inbound APIs, we can create our business logic.

  • Create an InvoiceService in the domain package, and remove the existing InvoiceApplication
  • Make it implement our outbound API, InvoiceApi
  • It should also receive as parameters our inbound APIs, AccountApi and ProductApi
  • Implement the business logic, retrieving data from inbound APIs and accomplishing the outbound API

Summary: Now you have all your business logic and related tests (because you've done tests, right?) done without any external dependency. It just depends on the APIs you created previously, your contracts.

3.3 Implement our adapters

Description: We can create now our adapters, both outbound and inbound

  • Update the current InvoiceController (our outbound adapter) to receive InvoiceApi as a parameter (the API, not the Service)
  • Modify the code to call our API
  • Create an AccountAdapter in the infrastructure layer package
  • It should implement the AccountApi interface, and receive as a parameter the external AccountClient.
  • Implement it!
  • Create a ProductAdapter in the same package
  • It should implement the ProductApi interface, and receive both ProductClient and ProductRepository.
  • Implement the logic, doing both calls and aggregating results in the Product model

Summary: TODO

3.4 Put it all together with Dependency Injection

Description: Now we need to inject our adapters instead of simple interfaces

  • Update Application.kt to create an InvoiceService
  • It should receive AccountAdapter and ProductAdapter in AccountApi and ProductApi places.
  • Inject InvoiceService in our InvoiceController
  • Execute tests and check all green

Summary: If you are not familiar with Koin or any other DependencyInjection framework, I'll give you the solution below:

install(Koin) {
    modules(module {
        single { AccountClient(configuration = AccountClientConfiguration()) }
        single { ProductClient(configuration = ProductClientConfiguration()) }
        single { ProductRepository(configuration = ProductRepositoryConfiguration()) }

        single {
                accountApi = AccountAdapter(accountClient = get()),
                productApi = ProductAdapter(productClient = get(), productRepository = get())
        single { InvoiceController(invoiceApi = get<InvoiceService>()) }

3.5 Summary

In our application, we have now 3 different packages:

  • domain: In this package, we just have business logic, no I/O operation, no external dependencies. You can have all your business tests isolated from any dependency, with no external noises.
  • infrastructure: It contains all the adapters, inbound or outbound, that will plug into our ports, our APIs. All the external dependencies are treated here
  • model: All our contracts, APIs and model, that our consumers/adapters will call/implement. There is no real code here, just APIs and models, the contract of what (and not how) our service does

4. Hexagonal Solution

(10 - 20 min)

Let's start with the exercise in this new hexagonal architecture fashion

4.1. Change the external dependency

Description: First thing we'll need to do before implementing any new logic, is update our company dependencies (external-services) to their latest version

  • Change externalServicesVersion dependency version to 2 on file hexagonal-invoice-kata-application/build.gradle.kts
  • Now the compilation problems are just in ProductAdapter. Solve them!
  • Check green tests βœ…

Summary: Your external dependencies have been modified, so you need to amend your adapter, that's all. Nothing more is broken. πŸ’ͺ

4.2 New features to be implemented

Description: We want to add some discounts to some of our best customers. Premium accounts will have better prices. πŸ’Έ

  • There is a new endpoint on AccountClient getPremiumFeatures(accountId: String)
  • ProductRepository now returns also the premiumPrice
  • Change Account model to return also val premium: Boolean and amend AccountAdapter
  • Change Product model to include premiumPrice and amend ProductAdapter to return it
  • Change InvoiceService to calculate premium prices for premium accounts
  • Copy kata-test-data/1-final files to your test/resources. Overwrite everything
  • Check green tests βœ…

Summary: You had to implement the new logic, so all these changes were needed

4.3 Another External Services version

Description: You have been told that the ProductRepository has been decommissioned, so you'll need to update to a newer version of external-services

  • Change externalServicesVersion dependency version to 3 on file hexagonal-invoice-kata-application/build.gradle.kts
  • This new version removes the need for a repository ❗
  • You just need to amend ProductAdapter, remove the repository and adapt your code
  • You'll need also to remove ProductRepository from Application.kt ⚠️
  • Check green tests βœ…

Summary: You had no problems with PII data, and you didn't modify your business logic because of the repository being removed πŸ‘Š

4.4 Summary

  • Just one business rule change, so only one business logic change πŸ‘
  • Changes on external dependencies implied changes just in the adapters ✌️
  • If you added any test, they all were not broken, just the ones modified πŸ™Œ


If you want to see my solution proposal, just look at hexagonal-invoice-kata-solution folder. If you uncomment '// "hexagonal-invoice-kata-solution",' on settings.gradle.kts file, you'll be able to compile and execute it!

More information to come πŸ”œ