
One env setup guide to rule them all.


reproducible environments to the moon!

This project is aimed to popularize and make it easier to use reproducible Nix environments, preferably with direnv.

It provides (todo) manuals to link to and clickbait-y shields, so you can guide potential new maintainers through setting up Nix and Direnv more quickly.


There's a short installation guide I've started writing below, but it's WIP.

Ideally there would be an interactive installation script, supporting WSL, MacOS and Linux (todo)


This project uses direnv and Nix to manage environment.


Nix is a clean package manager.
It allows managing system dependencies like compilers and shared libraries in a portable way, without cluttering or breaking your existing system.

You can install Nix on Linux/MacOS/WSL with the following command

sh <(curl -L https://nixos.org/nix/install) --daemon


Direnv is an environment manager.
It runs scripts and loads environment variables from .envrc as you switch between folders.
We prefer nix-direnv implementation, as it works faster with Nix.

You can install it with the following command

nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -i nix-direnv

If you use bash, zsh or tcsh, append the following to your ~/.profile

eval "$(direnv hook $(basename $0))"