
Redis HA environment with docker-compose and ioredis client

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Redis HA environment with docker-compose and ioredis client


docker-compose up --build

Check in the logs how the replicas sync with the master and how the sentinels monitor the master.

Test failover

  • Check master and slaves from a sentinel (either connect to the container to run commands on it or use shorcut commands)

npm run show:master

npm run show:slaves

  • Pause master container

docker-compose pause redis-ha-server1

Wait 10s and watch sentinels promote a replica as new master (quorum is 2 so after 2 replicas have agreed upon a sdown event it will trigger the failover)

  • Check master and slaves again.

You should see a new master and the old master as slave.

  • Add master back to the cluster

docker-compose unpause redis-ha-server1

This container has now become a replica and you should see in the logs how it syncs to the new master.

  • Set server1 as master again

server2 and 3 have priority as slaves (check docker-compose), so if you force a failover when ther server1 is backup, it will be set as the master again

npm run failover

Double check it worked: npm run show:master

Try client connection

There are 4 commands that will trigger the app.js script and will connect to the node or cluster usnig ioredis client. These are the examples:

npm run single_master will directly connect to server1(master), write a key and read it back again.

npm run single_replica will directly connect to server2(replica) nad try to write a key which will fail.

npm run sentinels_use_master will connect to sentinels to ask for the master node, write a key and read it back again.

npm run sentinels_use_replicas will connect to sentinels to ask for a replica node and try to write a key which will fail.