Contributors License Agreement

By submitting comments, feedback, issues, pull requests, or any other type of contribution ("Contributions") to a CAB Forum repository, you agree to the following terms. Please read these terms carefully.

1. Code of Conduct

All contributors are required to follow the CAB Forum Code of Conduct. Your participation in any CAB Forum repository implies your acknowledgment and acceptance of the following Code of Conduct.

The CAB Forum (the “Forum”) is comprised of a global group of professionals with differences in language, skills, expertise, experience, and backgrounds. To maintain a professional and productive environment, it is necessary for Members of the Forum to follow the letter and spirit of this Code. This Code applies to all official Forum activities, such as meetings, teleconferences, mailing lists, conferences, and other Forum functions. The Forum is committed to maintaining a professional and respectful environment.

All Member representatives are expected to behave in a collegial and professional manner in accordance with this Code. Honesty and integrity are also paramount in all of our actions and interactions. Members will familiarize their representatives with this Code and require them to comply with the letter and spirit of this Code.

I. Conduct. The Forum is committed to providing a friendly, safe, and welcoming environment for all, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, nationality, or other similar characteristic. The Forum recognizes and appreciates that its participants have diverse languages, backgrounds, experience, and expertise, and expects that all participants will be treated with respect by all other participants.

  1. In connection with official Forum activities, all Forum participants shall:
  • Be polite, kind, and courteous to other participants, refraining from insulting remarks on the perceived intelligence or ability of others.
  • Treat fellow Forum participants with respect, professionalism, courtesy, and reasonableness.
  • Respect that people have differences of opinion, and that there is seldom unanimous agreement on a single “correct” answer. Be willing to compromise and agree to disagree.
  • Be truthful, sincere, forthright, and candid, unless professional duties require that they maintain confidentiality or exercise special discretion.
  1. In connection with official Forum activities, all Forum participants shall refrain from conduct such as:
  • Threatening violence towards anyone.
  • Discriminating against anyone on the basis of personal characteristics or group membership
  • Harassing or bullying anyone verbally, physically, or sexually.
  • Launching barbs at others. [Note: a “barb” is an obviously or openly unpleasant or carping remark.]
  • Touching another person in a physically inappropriate way.
  • Deliberately intimidating or stalking another person (in-person, online, or by other means
  • Inappropriately disrupting or impeding official Forum events, including meetings, talks, and presentations. For purposes of this Code, “inappropriate disruption” would include aggressive, violent, and abusive conduct that prevents an official Forum event from occurring or proceeding
  • Spamming, trolling, flaming, baiting, and other similar behavior inappropriately directed towards an individual
  • Lying, deceiving, or intentionally misleading by omission or half-truth
  • Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behavior
  1. All Forum participants should promote the rules of this Code and take action to bring discussions back into compliance with the Code whenever violations are observed.

  2. Forum participants should stick to ideological, conceptual discussions and avoid engaging in offensive or sensitive personal discussions, particularly if they're off-topic; such personal discussions can lead to unnecessary arguments, hurt feelings, and damaged trust.

II. Moderation. These are the policies for upholding the Code.

  1. Resist the urge to be defensive. Remember that it's your responsibility to clearly communicate your message to your fellow participants. Everyone wants to get along and we are all in the Forum first and foremost because we want to talk about standards and everything that involves. Other participants will be eager to assume good intent and forgive as long as you have earned their trust.

  2. Participants should inform the Chair, Vice Chair, and/or a Working Group Chair immediately if they feel they have been, or are being, harassed or made uncomfortable by a Forum member. Intimidation, personal attacks, and retaliation of any kind will not be tolerated.

  3. Any Forum participant may report, in good faith, a perceived violation of the Code to the Forum Chair or Vice Chair, or to a Working Group Chair (each, a "Code Liaison"). One or more Code Liaison(s) will work with the reported Forum participant to determine whether a violation of the Code has occurred and, if so, how to resolve it.Resolution may also include appropriate executives from the Forum participant's Member company, as appropriate. If the reported Forum participant, Member executives, and the Code Liaison(s) are unwilling or unable to resolve the issue, any of the foregoing may request the assistance of an independent third party to assist with the resolution.

  4. Members agree to take appropriate action in the event any of their Member representatives violate the Code. Such action could include warning, reprimanding, suspending, removing or replacing the Member representative who has violated the Code, depending on the severity of the violation. Depending on the number and severity of violations, the Forum may impose consequences such as excluding a Member representative from certain meetings, removing a Member representative from a mailing list, suspending a Member representative from certain Forum activities, or suspending or terminating the Member's right to vote or otherwise participate in the Forum.

Adapted from the WHATWG Code of Conduct, the W3C Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, and the Citizen Code of Conduct.

2. Intellectual Property

Your Contributions to any CAB Forum repository may be considered as royalty-free contributions under the CA/Browser Forum’s Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Policy, which governs the licensing of intellectual property created or shared during Forum activities.

By making a Contribution, you:

  • Grant the CA/Browser Forum and all participants a non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide license to use, reproduce, modify, display, and distribute your Contribution in any form or medium, as part of the Forum’s work.
  • Acknowledge that your Contributions are submitted on a royalty-free basis under the Forum's IPR Policy, and you agree not to assert any patent or other intellectual property claims related to these Contributions. Please ensure that your Contributions do not contain any third-party proprietary information unless you have obtained all necessary permissions to include such information under these terms.

3. Acknowledgment and Agreement

By making any Contribution to any CAB Forum repository:

  • You acknowledge that you have read and understood the CA/Browser Forum’s Code of Conduct and IPR Policy.
  • You agree to abide by the terms of this Contributor License Agreement.
  • You confirm that your Contributions are original or that you have the right to submit them under these terms.