
Some common Sass helpers we use across projects.

Primary LanguageCSS


Some common Sass helpers we use across projects.

Install via bower:

% bower install --save https://github.com/cabin/cabin.sass.git

cabin-defaults($selector: null)

Include this mixin at the top level to apply baseline house styles. To limit its effects to a wrapper element, pass a selector argument.


Hide Mobile Safari's background flash on tap.

reduce-font-dilation($value: true)

Switch from subpixel antialiasing to greyscale, which reduces artificially- inflated font weight on Mac OS X. Particularly useful with light-on-dark text or with @font-faced web fonts. See http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2012Oct/0109.html.

voffset($height, $offset: null)

Elements with all-uppercase text appear off-center visually due to unused descender space. This allows for shifting them down a bit. If called with only one argument, it is used as $offset (despite the parameter order here).