
A utility to record gameplay in a cocos2d game

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


NOTE: This code only works in the simulator with cocos2d v3, but should work with earlier versions. I'll be integrating the thoughts from this website into the next update: http://indieambitions.com/uncategorized/cvopenglestexturecache-awesome/

A very light utility for recording gameplay in a cocos2d game. Configuration is kept to a minimum to keep it extremely simple. The output will be .mov files in the application's Documents directory.

Please do not attempt to use this in production code, as you'll probably get rejected.

Note: Frame rates will drop in the actual gameplay if there are too many sprites being rendered, but the output videos will keep the configured frame rate.

Wanted: Suggestions on how to make the recording more efficient or how we could make this work for non cocos2d apps.

##Required Frameworks Add these in Build Phases under the Link Binary With Libraries section

  • AVFoundation.framework
  • CoreVideo.framework
  • CoreMedia.framework

##Retrieving Recordings Add the entry UIFileSharingEnabled (Application supports iTunes file sharing) into your app's info.plist and set it to YES. This will allow you to retrieve your recordings from your app through iTunes.

After calling stopRecordingWithCompletion: the current take will be completed and a .mov file will be available to view. To view the recording:

  1. Open up iTunes and click your device next to the iTunes Store button
  2. Click on the Apps tab.
  3. Under the File Sharing section near the bottom, select your app.
  4. Select the files you want to save to your computer and click Save to...
  5. Make awesome trailers.

##Example Usage In this example we create an RSScreenVideo instance that will save recordings with the filename example_n.mov, where n is the nth time startRecording is called. This allows us to save multiple recordings per session. The pixel format used works with cocos2d apps that use the CCTexturePixelFormat_RGBA8888 for their textures. The default frame rate the video will be captured at is 60fps. You can set the framesPerSecond instance variable to one you prefer. Calling startRecording does just that - starts the recording, but the video will not be viewable until you call stopRecordingWithCompletion: and the completion block runs.

The default parameters for the regular init method are "session" for the file name, the size of [UIScreen mainScreen] and the pixel format kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA.

self.screenVideo = [[RSScreenVideo alloc] initWithFileName:@"example"
                                                screenSize:[[CCDirector sharedDirector] viewSizeInPixels]
// Start recording
[self.screenVideo startRecording];

... in some other method that stops recording

// Stop recording
[self.screenVideo stopRecordingWithCompletion:^{}];

##Contact Please feel free to submit pull requests if you see a good opportunity for improvement, we appreciate any feedback!

Austin Borden