
Rock-Paper-Scissors Example using Phoenix Framework

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT

Rock-Paper-Scissors Multiplayer Game

Rock-Paper-Scissors Multiplayer Game using Phoenix Framework.

– This is just an example, just for fun!

About the example or exercise:

  • The logic of the game (game session handling) is implemented using gen_statem behaviour.
  • REST API using Phoenix (to allow users to create new match games and play)
  • Authentication for REST API using Guardian
  • Leaderboard is implemented using ETS tables
  • Notifications about the round and the game using Phoenix Channels

Still WIP !!


In order to be able to run the app you need:

  • Erlang 20 or higher
  • Elixir 1.5 or higher
  • PostgreSQL database

NOTE: Remember to replace the PostgreSQL credentials in config/dev.exs and also config/test.exs.

Running the app

To start your Phoenix server:

  • Install dependencies with: mix deps.get
  • Create and migrate your database with: mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
  • Start the app endpoint with: mix phx.server
  • Start the app in interactive console: iex -S mix phx.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.


Before to run the tests, remember to change the DB credentials in config/test.exs. Then you can run the tests:

$ mix test

If you want to enable test coverage:

$ MIX_ENV=test mix coveralls.html

And to see the coverage result you can open cover/excoveralls.html

Generating Doc

This project uses ex_doc to generate the web documentation, you have to run this command:

$ mix docs

As result, a folder doc is created with all doc inside, so you can open the generated doc using your browser (doc/index.html).

Getting started

In order to understand how the app works, let's play!

First, let's prepare the DB:

$ mix ecto.create
$ mix ecto.migrate
$ mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs

The seed will create 3 users: user1, user2 and admin (password is the same username)

Then run the server:

$ iex -S mix phx.server

Authentication (Requesting Tokens)

In order to start playing, we need to request a token for the players; in our case user1 and user2. For example, to get a token for user1:

$ curl -vX POST \
  http://localhost:4000/api/v1/login \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{  
    "user": {

The response will be:

  "data": {
    "jwt": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJycHMiLCJleHAiOjE1Mjk3NzU0MzQsImlhdCI6MTUyNzM1NjIzNCwiaXNzIjoicnBzIiwianRpIjoiOGYzYTNkMGMtZDljMy00NTRlLWEzZWMtOWRhZDg1NTY3YTcyIiwibmJmIjoxNTI3MzU2MjMzLCJzdWIiOiIyIiwidHlwIjoiYWNjZXNzIn0.JAfG27Swg9EtHDjC2w0j9PkPYHlODd-pqz0hXYJybtZtXeHCm5NhM5AJDRit1HThHWJmDOAb1t539So6vpFXDQ",
    "exp": 1529775434

In the same way you can request a token for user2.

Creating a Match

The next step is create a new match game:

$ curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:4000/api/v1/match_games \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJycHMiLCJleHAiOjE1Mjk3NzU0MzQsImlhdCI6MTUyNzM1NjIzNCwiaXNzIjoicnBzIiwianRpIjoiOGYzYTNkMGMtZDljMy00NTRlLWEzZWMtOWRhZDg1NTY3YTcyIiwibmJmIjoxNTI3MzU2MjMzLCJzdWIiOiIyIiwidHlwIjoiYWNjZXNzIn0.JAfG27Swg9EtHDjC2w0j9PkPYHlODd-pqz0hXYJybtZtXeHCm5NhM5AJDRit1HThHWJmDOAb1t539So6vpFXDQ' \
  -d '{}'

The response:

  "data": {
    "winner": null,
    "status": "created",
    "player2_wins": 0,
    "player2_id": null,
    "player1_wins": 0,
    "player1_id": 2,
    "match_rounds": [],
    "id": 1

NOTE: The user that created the match is set as a player1 automatically; it doesn't make sense to create a game for two players different than who has created the game.

Join to an existing game

Once the game or match is created, the one who created the game is waiting to other player to join the game. So, assuming you have a token for user2:

$ curl -X PUT \
  http://localhost:4000/api/v1/match_games/1 \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJycHMiLCJleHAiOjE1Mjk3NzY1NzAsImlhdCI6MTUyNzM1NzM3MCwiaXNzIjoicnBzIiwianRpIjoiZmZiNGRlOTQtZWM5YS00OWJkLTg4ZDQtYWRlNDZhODFmZjRmIiwibmJmIjoxNTI3MzU3MzY5LCJzdWIiOiIzIiwidHlwIjoiYWNjZXNzIn0.5crnWPypWq5izgzRX2y2hsFVVvy5zcNM5fJO1jPwEE8J-aa3uH5CY1rkWl-aDkZcJxKWhS51EQzrkKWhWZAwSQ' \
  -d '{}'


  "data": {
    "winner": null,
    "status": "started",
    "player2_wins": 0,
    "player2_id": 3,
    "player1_wins": 0,
    "player1_id": 2,
    "match_rounds": [],
    "id": 1


Once second player is joined to the game, they can play, do their moves. For example, to play rock:

$ curl -X PUT \
  http://localhost:4000/api/v1/match_games/1/match_rounds \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJycHMiLCJleHAiOjE1Mjk3NzY1NzAsImlhdCI6MTUyNzM1NzM3MCwiaXNzIjoicnBzIiwianRpIjoiZmZiNGRlOTQtZWM5YS00OWJkLTg4ZDQtYWRlNDZhODFmZjRmIiwibmJmIjoxNTI3MzU3MzY5LCJzdWIiOiIzIiwidHlwIjoiYWNjZXNzIn0.5crnWPypWq5izgzRX2y2hsFVVvy5zcNM5fJO1jPwEE8J-aa3uH5CY1rkWl-aDkZcJxKWhS51EQzrkKWhWZAwSQ' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'postman-token: 7422fca2-0a27-45a9-d14b-942766550206' \
  -d '{  
    "round": {
      "move": "rock"


  "data": {
    "move": "rock"


To get the leaderboard:

$ curl -X GET \
  http://localhost:4000/api/v1/leaderboard \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJycHMiLCJleHAiOjE1Mjk1NzgxMTgsImlhdCI6MTUyNzE1ODkxOCwiaXNzIjoicnBzIiwianRpIjoiNzdlNTRkYWYtNmMyMi00YTU5LWE5OTMtODA5MDQwZThiODczIiwibmJmIjoxNTI3MTU4OTE3LCJzdWIiOiIyIiwidHlwIjoiYWNjZXNzIn0.TGl0c0QtK8zu_YHjkdt70duUS39ELp64dyNlng9OWQNf7y9Yg2BE5fs_mYzPz5NwZK_N4AiewFzXS6lTiCQzpA'


  "data": [
      "11": [
      "10": [
      "6": [
      "5": [
      "3": [

Getting info about a match

It is possible also to get info about a match:

$ curl -X GET \
  http://localhost:4000/api/v1/match_games/1 \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJycHMiLCJleHAiOjE1Mjk3NzY1NzAsImlhdCI6MTUyNzM1NzM3MCwiaXNzIjoicnBzIiwianRpIjoiZmZiNGRlOTQtZWM5YS00OWJkLTg4ZDQtYWRlNDZhODFmZjRmIiwibmJmIjoxNTI3MzU3MzY5LCJzdWIiOiIzIiwidHlwIjoiYWNjZXNzIn0.5crnWPypWq5izgzRX2y2hsFVVvy5zcNM5fJO1jPwEE8J-aa3uH5CY1rkWl-aDkZcJxKWhS51EQzrkKWhWZAwSQ'


  "data": {
    "id": 1,
    "winner": "player1",
    "status": "finished",
    "player2_wins": 2,
    "player2_id": 3,
    "player1_wins": 4,
    "player1_id": 2,
    "match_rounds": [
        "winner": "player2",
        "player2_move": "paper",
        "player1_move": "rock",
        "num": 10
        "winner": "player1",
        "player2_move": "scissors",
        "player1_move": "rock",
        "num": 9
        "winner": "draw",
        "player2_move": "scissors",
        "player1_move": "scissors",
        "num": 8
        "winner": "player2",
        "player2_move": "paper",
        "player1_move": "rock",
        "num": 7
        "winner": "draw",
        "player2_move": "scissors",
        "player1_move": "scissors",
        "num": 6
        "winner": "player1",
        "player2_move": "rock",
        "player1_move": "paper",
        "num": 5
        "winner": "draw",
        "player2_move": "rock",
        "player1_move": "rock",
        "num": 4
        "winner": "player1",
        "player2_move": "scissors",
        "player1_move": "rock",
        "num": 3
        "winner": "draw",
        "player2_move": "scissors",
        "player1_move": "scissors",
        "num": 2
        "winner": "player1",
        "player2_move": "scissors",
        "player1_move": "rock",
        "num": 1


Notifications are handled via Phoenix Channels:

  • When a user creates a new match, the next step is to join to the topic room:{match_id}.
  • When the second player joins to the match, he should also join to the topic room:{match_id}.
  • Once both played are subscribed/joined to the topic room:{match_id}, both will receive notifications about the round and the match.

The server sends notifications every time a round is finished with the info about that round (see Rps.Games.Round schema). And once the match is finished, a message about the match result is sent to the players as well (see Rps.Games.Match).