
Simple API for getting wework locations

Primary LanguagePHP

WeWork Locations API

This is a simple API to return WeWork locations from different countries. Included is information on each of the locations.

How to use


Docker is required. Information on how to install Docker here: https://docs.docker.com/install/

Running the API

  • After installing docker and checking out the project, nevigate to the project root.
  • Run docker-compose up
  • After building you will have three containers running: app, webserver and db.
  • We need to run a few artisan commands in order to get the API running and we'll do that with docker-compose
  • Run docker-compose exec app php artisan key:generate
    • This generates the application key for the laravel application
  • Run docker-compose exec app php artisan config:cache
    • This clears the laravel config cache and rebuilds it
  • Run docker-compose exec app php artisan migrate
    • This creates the db with the tables countries, locations and floors
  • Run docker-compose exec app php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
    • This seeds the database with some initial db records

At this point you will be able to send API calls. Here are the calls:

GET '/api/locations'
GET '/api/locations/{id}'
POST /api/'locations'
    Sample Request:
        "name": "Marvin Island",
        "address": "674 Carlo Trafficway Apt. 401",
        "opening_date": "2019-06-28",
        "country": "US"
PUT '/api/locations/{id}'
        Sample Request:
            "name": "Marvin Island",
            "address": "674 Carlo Trafficway Apt. 401",
            "opening_date": "2019-06-28",
            "country": "US"
DELETE '/api/locations/{id}'
GET '/api/locations/{location}/floors'
GET '/api/locations/{location}/desks-amount'
GET '/api/locations/{location}/floors-amount'
POST '/api/locations/{location}/floors'
    Sample Request:
        "number": 1533,
        "description": "Testing location.",
        "desks": 566
GET '/api/countries'
GET '/country/{code}/locations'
GET '/country/{code}/earliest-location'
GET '/country/{code}/opening-next-month'