
Template for Terraform repos

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Template for Terraform repos for MIT Libraries.

After deploying this, the following steps must be completed.

  1. Update the terraform { } block in main.tf to name the correct workspace in Terraform Cloud (or remove the backend completely if this will be running solely in Terraform Cloud).
  2. Update main.tf to include any additional Terraform Provider(s).
  3. Update the terraform { required_providers { } } block versions.tf to set the location and constraints on the additional providers.

File Tree

├── README.md
├── docs
│   └── adrs
│       └── 0001-record-architecture-decisions.md
├── main.tf
├── modules
│   └── README.md
├── providers.tf
├── tests
│   └── README.md
├── variables.tf
└── versions.tf


Name Version
terraform ~> 1.0
aws ~> 3.0


Name Description Type Default Required
environment The name of the environment/stage/workspace (e.g., stage, prod, dev) string n/a yes
mitlib The shortname name of our MITLibraries Organization string "mitlib" no
name The name of the app/resource this repo builds string n/a yes
ou The name of the AWS OU that contains the AWS Accounts that are managed by this code. string n/a yes