
solution for loading and sanatizing environment variables in node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Travis CI Coverage Status npm version TypeScript

solution for loading and sanatizing environment variables in node.js with correct typings


npm install env-var --save


In the example below we read the environment variable PARALLEL_LIMIT, ensure it is set, and parse it to an integer.

const LIMIT = env.get('LIMIT').required().asIntPositive();

Here's what each piece of this code means:

  1. If LIMIT is not set required() will raise an exception.
  2. If it is set, but not a positive integer asIntPositive() will raise an exception.
  3. If #1 and #2 do not raise an exception, the number will be returned as a valid JavaScript number type.


To use with TypeScript, just import and use the same as JavaScript:

import * as env from 'env-var';

const LIMIT = env.get('LIMIT').required().asIntPositive();


Over time it became apparent that parsing environment variables is a repetitive task, and testing code that relies on can be cumbersome.

Take this example:

var assert = require('assert');

// Our program requires this var to be set
  'MAX_BATCH_SIZE environment variable must be set'

// Read the var, and use parseInt to make it a number
var MAX_BATCH_SIZE = parseInt(process.env.MAX_BATCH_SIZE, 10);

// Check the var is a valid number, if not throw
  typeof MAX_BATCH_SIZE === 'number' && !isNaN(MAX_BATCH_SIZE),
  'MAX_BATCH_SIZE env var must be a valid number'

With env-var the example above can be written cleanly as:

var env = require('env-var');

var MAX_BATCH_SIZE = env.get('MAX_BATCH_SIZE').required().asInt();

When it comes to testing code that relies on environment variables this is also great since you can mock out env-var using proxyquire to easily alter results returned without having to share state via process.env. A demonstration of this is at the bottom of the README.


env.get([varname, [default]])

You can call this function 3 different ways:

  1. Calling without arguments will return the entire process.env Object.
  2. Calling with varname will return a variable instance with utilities for parsing variables and is detailed below.
  3. Calling with varname, and default will return the value for varname set on process.env, or if the variable is not set default run through the variable instance functions as though it was set on process.env.


This is the error class used to represent errors raised by this module. You can use it like so:

const env = require('env-var')

try {
  // will throw if you have not set this variable

  // if catch error is set, we'll end up throwing here instead
  throw new Error('some other error')
} catch (e) {
  if (e instanceof env.EnvVarError) {
    console.log('we got an env-var error', e)
  } else {
    console.log('we got some error that wasn\'t an env-var error', e)


A returned variable has the following functions defined for parsing to the required format.


Ensure the variable is set on process.env. If the variable is not set, then this function will throw an EnvVarError. Typically you will use this during the initialisation of your program in order to fail fast if a required variable is not set.

For example:

const env = require('env-var')

// Read PORT variable and ensure it's a positive integer. If it is not a
// positive integer or is not set the process will exit with an error (unless
// you catch it using a try/catch or "uncaughtException" handler)
const PORT = env.get('PORT').required().asIntPositive()



Attempt to parse the variable to an integer. Throws an exception if parsing fails. This is a strict check, meaning that if the process.env value is "1.2", an exception will be raised rather than rounding up/down.


Performs the same task as asInt(), but also verifies that the number is positive (greater than zero).


Performs the same task as asInt(), but also verifies that the number is negative (less than zero).


Attempt to parse the variable to a float. Throws an exception if parsing fails.


Performs the same task as asFloat(), but also verifies that the number is positive (greater than zero).


Performs the same task as asFloat(), but also verifies that the number is negative (less than zero).


Return the variable value as a String. Throws an exception if value is not a String. It's highly unlikely that a variable will not be a String since all process.env entries you set in bash are Strings by default.


Attempt to parse the variable to a Boolean. Throws an exception if parsing fails. The var must be set to either "true", "false" (upper or lowercase), 0 or 1 to succeed.


Attempt to parse the variable to a Boolean. Throws an exception if parsing fails. The var must be set to either "true" or "false" (upper or lowercase) to succeed.


Attempt to parse the variable to a JSON Object or Array. Throws an exception if parsing fails.


The same as asJson but checks that the data is a JSON Array, e.g [1,2].


The same as asJson but checks that the data is a JSON Object, e.g {a: 1}.


Reads an environment variable as a string, then splits it on each occurence of the specified delimiter. By default a comma is used as the delimiter. For example a var set to "1,2,3" would become ['1', '2', '3'].


Verifies that the variable is a valid URL string and returns that string. Uses is-url to perform validation, so check that module for validation rules.


Verifies that the variable is a valid URL string, then parses it using url.parse from the Node.js core url module and returns the parsed Object. See the Node.js docs for more info


const env = require('env-var');

// Normally these would be set using "export VARNAME" or similar in bash
process.env.STRING = 'test';
process.env.INTEGER = '12';
process.env.BOOL = 'false';
process.env.JSON = '{"key":"value"}';
process.env.COMMA_ARRAY = '1,2,3';
process.env.DASH_ARRAY = '1-2-3';

// The entire process.env object
const allVars = env.get();

// Returns a string. Throws an exception if not set
const stringVar = env.get('STRING').required().asString();

// Returns an int, undefined if not set, or throws if set to a non integer value
const intVar = env.get('INTEGER').asInt();

// Return a float, or 23.2 if not set
const floatVar = env.get('FLOAT', '23.2').asFloat();

// Return a Boolean. Throws an exception if not set or parsing fails
const boolVar = env.get('BOOL').required().asBool();

// Returns a JSON Object, undefined if not set, or throws if set to invalid JSON
const jsonVar = env.get('JSON').asJson();

// Returns an array if defined, or undefined if not set
const commaArray = env.get('COMMA_ARRAY').asArray();

// Returns an array if defined, or undefined if not set
const commaArray = env.get('DASH_ARRAY').asArray('-');

Testing Overview

When testing code that relies on environment variables sometimes we need to mock out/set the environment variables. Having calls to process.env strewn throughout a test is and can get confusing and modifies global state (not good).

It's better to use env-var and its built-in mock() function. Using mock() will allow you to create a mocked version of env-var which will use a literal object instead of using process.env. You can use this mocked version with something like proxyquire. For example:

 * filename: concat.js
 * Reads in a var and constructs a string by adding the var name plus its value

var env = require('env-var');

exports.concat = function (envVarToGet) {
  return envVarToGet + ' ' + env.get(envVarToGet).required().asString();
 * filename: concat.test.js
 * Reads in a var and constructs a string by adding the var name plus its value

var expect = require('chai').expect;
var proxyquire = require('proxyquire');
var env = require('env-var');

describe('concat.js', function () {

  var mod;

  beforeEach(function () {
    // Require our concat file, but replace env-var with a mocked version.
    // This mocked version will NOT use process.env
    mod = proxyquire('./concat', {
      'env-var': env.mock({
        HELLO: 'WORLD'


  describe('#concat', function () {
    it('should combine our var name and its returned value', function () {
      expect(mod.concat('HELLO')).to.equal('HELLO WORLD');


  • @MikeyBurkman
  • @itavy


Contributions are welcomed. If you'd like to discuss an idea open an issue, or a PR with an initial implementation.

If you want to add a new type it's pretty easy. Add a file to lib/accessors, with the name of the type e.g add a file named number-zero.js into that folder and populate it with code following this structure:

 * Validate that the environment value is an integer and equals zero.
 * @param {Function} raiseError use this to raise a cleanly formatted error
 * @param {String}   environmentValue this is the string from process.env
module.exports = function numberZero (raiseError, environmentValue) {

  // Your custom code should go here...below code is an example

  const val = parseInt(environmentValue)

  if (val === 0) {
    return ret;
  } else {
    raiseError('should be zero')

Next update the accessors Object in getVariableAccessors() in lib/variable.js to include your new module. The naming convention should be of the format "asTypeSubtype", so for our number-zero example it would be done like so:

asNumberZero: generateAccessor(container, varName, defValue, require('./accessors/number-zero')),

Once you've done that, add some unit tests and use it like so:

// Uses your new function to ensure the SOME_NUMBER is the integer 0