Remember to

  1. KISS
  2. Keep it consistent
  3. Polish.
  4. Parallezie (don't block Adam & Adam better not block me).


  1. Complete a polished one level pipe dream clone in the time alloted.


  1. PyxelEdit
  2. Phaser
  3. Tiled
  4. Audacity
  5. Mario Paint Composer or
  6. Labchirp or Bfxr

Other Tasks

  1. Setup repo and directory structure. Adam
  2. Create level by hand with two non-optimal cable paths. Remove 1/2 duplicates, then increase the mode of each. Adam
  3. Test level. Adam, Chris
  4. Cables with more than two exit ports
  5. Ambitious - Implement parallel circuits, resistors, capacitors, inductors, etc.

Game Premise

  1. Storm blows down power lines. It's the gamer's job to re-wire the utility poles.
  2. Additional levels will an additional house to the grid. Gamer must route the wires between each house.
  3. Possible sources: wind turbines, battery, solar cell.
  4. Possible sink: home

Asset Tasks

  1. Background tiles. Chris
  2. Title screen.
  3. Text panel.
  4. Font conversion. Not doing
  5. Text sound. Chris
  6. Cable bubble-in sound. Adam
  7. Cable placement sound. Adam
  8. Background music. Not doing
  9. Tutorial text composition.
  10. Foreground tiles.
  11. Level 1 background. Chris

Programming Tasks

  1. Cable bubble-in. Chris
  2. Title to game screen transition. Chris
  3. Flow logic. Chris
  4. Field of play cable placement. Chris
  5. Incoming cables generator. Chris
  6. Tutorial game state and text.
  7. Rolling text. Not doing
  8. Game timer + game over logic. Not doing
  9. Cable tween down. Chris
  10. Display level 1 background. Adam
  11. Initial queue display. Chris