
The official cross platform wallet for the Cache cryptocurrency

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Cache Logo

Cache Wallet

This is the official Cache Wallet.

This project is an enhanced version of the NEM Nano Wallet.

It is built with AngularJS (Old Angular) and wrapped in Electron

Use the Wallet

To use the Cache Wallet download the latest release of the app for your operating system:

Cache Wallet Releases



This project is built using Node v10.2.1 and NPM 6.1.0

  1. Run git clone https://github.com/cache-official/cache-wallet.git
  2. Run cd cache-wallet
  3. Run npm install


To run the app in development mode, after performing installation steps stay inside the project directory and:

  1. Run npm build
  2. Then run npm start


After installation steps, to publish for macOS, Windows, and Linux do the following:

  1. Run npm build
  2. Run npm run publish-mac
  3. Run npm run publish-win
  4. Run npm run publish-linux