If you're using 3.5.x please refer to the 3.5.x branch for updates, version 3.6.x has removed some depecated code from 3.5 and is not retro-compatible.

QuarkPHP Framework

MVC + ORM based framework to fast building web applications


  • Minimun configuration needed
  • Intuitive object oriented programming
  • Access level to controllers or specified actions (methods)
  • ORM & QueryBuilder for database manipulation (only MySQL for now)
  • Access multiple databases
  • Custom pages for error messages or access denied messages
  • Fast view rendering
  • Multilanguage web sites
  • Session and cookie management
  • Basic string manipulation
  • Handle file uploads
  • Basic image manipulation
  • Friendly URL
  • Log for error messages
  • AJAX
  • and maybe more...


  • PHP 5.1+ with PDO_MYSQL driver
  • Apache2 or IIS
  • Apache's mod_rewrite or IIS URL Rewrite for friendly URL

Documentation (in spanish for now)