
Kasse für Kerzenziehen

Primary LanguagePHP


Kasse für Kerzenziehen



  1. Install https://www.apachefriends.org/de/index.html
  2. Run the config tool as root and make sure apache and mysql are automatically run as services, see http://www.sintesisdigital.com.mx/dashboard/docs/auto-start-xampp.html.
  3. Config changes:
  1. Clone the git repo https://github.com/caco3/KerzenziehenKasse to D:\xampp\htdocs\kerzenziehen.


  1. Copy src/config/config.php.template to src/config/config.php and update its content as needed.
  2. Point your webbrowser to src/.


  1. Copy database_backup.bat.bat.template to database_backup.bat.bat and update its content as needed.
  2. Setup a task to run it periodically. Use following cmd line code to register it (open cmd shell as Admin!): schtasks /create /ru "SYSTEM" /tn "DB-Backup" /tr "C:\xampp\htdocs\kerzenziehen\database_backup.bat" /sc minute /mo 60. Use Taskschd.msc to check it and see https://techrando.com/2019/06/22/how-to-execute-a-task-hourly-in-task-scheduler/