
Customizable tool that efficiently downloads subsets of grib2 files from NOAA.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Grib Inventory v.0.0.2

GribInventory is a tool that piggybacks off of the range headers supported by http://nomads.ncep.noaa.gov/. This allows a user to quickly pull subsets grib2 files of global/regional/expiremental model data hosted by NOAA.

Compatible with Python3 only atm.

Currently supported models:
gfs - (GFS 0.25 degree)
nam - (NAM model 12km resolution)
nam4km - (NAM model 4km resolution)

  • Currently defaults to pulling the latest model run.


python setup.py install

Usage - CLI:

# Defaults to all variable:level combinations, and forecast hours if no args are passed in.
  --model [Required - model name]  
  --savepath [output file path]  
  --variables [Comma seperated list of desired grib2 variables - ie. LEVEL:VARIABLE,LEVEL:VARIABLE,...]  
  --fhours [Comma seperated list of forecast hours-steps to download]  
  -t [Option: enable Multi-threading.]  

See: http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/products/ for available variable:level for each model.


  --model nam4km  
  --savepath gribdata/nam4km  
  --variables "DPT:850 mb,ABSV:500 mb"  
  --fhours 01,02,03,15,21   

Usage - Module:

from gribinventory.base import GribInventory

model = 'nam'
vars  = []             # All default vars
fhours = ['03','06']   # 3rd, and 6th hour of the current run.
enableThreading = True # Use multiple threads. 

# Defaults to all variable:level, and forecast hours if no args.
grbs = GribInventory(model, vars, fhours, enableThreading)


See: http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/products/ for available variable:level for each model.


from gribinventory.base import GribInventory

grbs = GribInventory('NAM4km', ['DPT:850 mb', 'ABSV:500 mb'], ['01','02','03','15','21'], enableThreading=True)
