A woefully deficient command line sparkle update checker.
It reads an Application.app's plist file to determine the sparkle appcast url, fetches the url, and tries to determine if there is an update.
If there is an update (or thinks there is one), it displays a small table with some information about the possible update.
- ruby-1.9.x (haven't tested with 1.8.x. Might work?)
- gems:
- it kinda sucks. very alpha.
- enters 'stupid string compare mode' when a version string is not parseable by Versionomy
- make it suck a lot less
- possibly write a custom Versionomy format for the version strings that cause problems
- add support for a config file to specify app dirs (or app files themselves)
- clean up, organize
- apologize to anyone who attempts to use it
- ಠ_ಠ