
A simple regression testing framework for LFE.

Primary LanguageShell

Description: A simple regression testing framework for LFE.

Quick install Erlang
sudo apt-get install build-essential inotify-tools libncurses5-dev git-core
wget http://www.erlang.org/download/otp_src_R12B-3.tar.gz
tar xvf otp_src_R12B-3.tar.gz 
cd otp_src_R12B-3
sudo make install

Quick install LFE
wget --output-document=LFE0.2.zip http://forum.trapexit.org/download.php?id=140
wget --output-document=LFE0.2.1.zip http://forum.trapexit.org/download.php?id=151
unzip -d lfe0.2 -o LFE0.2.zip
unzip -d lfe0.2 -o LFE0.2.1.zip
cd lfe0.2  
erl -make

Quick install rt-lfe
git clone git://github.com/cadar/rt-lfe.git
cd rt-lfe
make test

is - Takes to parameters. First expression with the test. Second parameter the expected computed value. The macro prints failing tests to stdout.

test - Is used to declare a new test. The first parameter should be a quoted atom that describes the test. If the test returns true. It will be a successful test. 

show-result - Prints the result.

auto_compile.sh will recompile and run start when a *.lfe file is saved.
auto_compile.sh depends on inotify-tools: sudo apt-get install inotify-tools