
  1. ES2015+ (Babel)
  2. React
  3. SASS
  4. Hot Module Replacement (for SASS and components)


  • Install dependency by yarn
  • Now you can run yarn start to start development server (webpack-dev-server) on your machine. By default server start on port 3000.

App config

  • The file app.config.js should defined in root directory.
  • See app.config.js.dist to see how it should look like

Change server port

Just run yarn start --port 8080.

If you want start server on some free port, you can run yarn run start:fp

Share server by LAN

By default dev server is visible on LAN, so you can:

  1. check your IP (On Ubuntu ip route get | awk '{print $NF; exit}' `),
  2. run yarn start
  3. send someone in your LAN, url to YOUR_IP:3000

Run server and open in default browser

Just run yarn start --open

Story book

You can easily develop and browser your UI components by Storybook ([]).

Just run yarn run storybook

All stories should be in /stories


You can use auto generated unique CSS class name by CSS Modules.

All you should do:

  • Create file with .module.scss on end, f.e test.module.scss
  • Write normal styles like:
.button { color: red }
.text { color: blue }
  • Use this styles in component file
import styles from './test.module.scss';


<button className={styles.button}>
  <span className={styles.text}>Example</span>

This should render:

<button class="_1Bi2m4Xx6gfieBFTwE8yeb">
  <span class="VlcDgw6EmyoYMzC9b0xxv">Example</span>


To build production version just run yarn run build, after that, in /dist directory you have prod version.

Watch out!

App main config file (/app.config.js) does not exist in directory /dist. Providing this file is job for you CI

Build feature

  1. Vendors script is bundled to own hashed bundle, so if you don't change vendors in next deploy, users have this file in cache
  2. App configuration file is not bundled - /app.config.js, so you can build once and move this build on next deploy stage ((1) test > (2) staging > (3) prod) and create different /app.config.js for each instance.

But Watch out!

You can still use variables defined by webpack.DefinePlugin (for example process.env.NODE_ENV which can be "development" - yarn start and "production" - yarn run build) in your code. But, you must remember that process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" will be also on (1) test, (2) staging and (3) prod deploy stage.

If you want run some code only in (3) prod deploy stage, just create flag in your /app.config.js.

Debug development build

Normaly, delelopment version of build (run by yarn start) is served from memory (by webpack-dev-server), sometime you might want to see how this served files looked. For this job you can run yarn run build:dev, after that in /dist you can see all files served by yarn start script

Linting code

Just run yarn run lint. Before each git commit all files in git staged will be linted. If there are any of error, commit will not execute.