Pinned Repositories
A collection of my arduino sketchs
GMU CS 531 Systems Programming
CS 531 Fall Final Project in C Systems Programming using Arduino w/ GPS Shield
This script was developed in order to parse the DISA CCI XML file into CSV format.
Old version of mimikatz for OSCP labs
Mergers any amount of .nessus files in a directory into a single report while keeping the data in the correct order. This will keep vulnerabilities and compliance files in their proper place when you load the new file into your nessus scanner.
Notes and Stuff for my OSCP Adventures
Scapy Presentation and Code
This script is used as a supplement to vulnerability assessment tools such as Nessus, Retina, and various other scanners that are used in the industry. The script collects data specfic to the network, firewall configuration (host based), audit logs (security, system, application) and other information that can be useful in determining false positives during a vulnerability assessment. I created to tool to negate having to take numerous screen shots or going to different places to pull data manually. Primarily, I use this tool to collect the data at the test site and then review the data as needed during post-analysis. The tool is meant to capture more data than neccessary allowing the analysts to comment out portions they may not need or want during a test event; allowing them to use the script on embedded systems if needed (not been tested on embedded systems yet). The following files are generated as output of this script: Application_Log.xml Audit_Policy.txt Error_Log.txt ßonly if errors Fingerprint_Resutls.html Firewall_Stats.txt Group_Policy.txt Network_Data.txt Query_Session.txt Query_TerminalServer.txt Query_User.txt Security_Log.xml Security_Policy.txt Software_List.html Status_of_Services.xml System_Log.xml I wanted to share this tool because I feel like it has saved me a lot time during analysis when reviewing results from less reliable vulnerability scanners. I hope you can use it too.
caday00's Repositories
This script is used as a supplement to vulnerability assessment tools such as Nessus, Retina, and various other scanners that are used in the industry. The script collects data specfic to the network, firewall configuration (host based), audit logs (security, system, application) and other information that can be useful in determining false positives during a vulnerability assessment. I created to tool to negate having to take numerous screen shots or going to different places to pull data manually. Primarily, I use this tool to collect the data at the test site and then review the data as needed during post-analysis. The tool is meant to capture more data than neccessary allowing the analysts to comment out portions they may not need or want during a test event; allowing them to use the script on embedded systems if needed (not been tested on embedded systems yet). The following files are generated as output of this script: Application_Log.xml Audit_Policy.txt Error_Log.txt ßonly if errors Fingerprint_Resutls.html Firewall_Stats.txt Group_Policy.txt Network_Data.txt Query_Session.txt Query_TerminalServer.txt Query_User.txt Security_Log.xml Security_Policy.txt Software_List.html Status_of_Services.xml System_Log.xml I wanted to share this tool because I feel like it has saved me a lot time during analysis when reviewing results from less reliable vulnerability scanners. I hope you can use it too.
Old version of mimikatz for OSCP labs
A collection of my arduino sketchs
GMU CS 531 Systems Programming
CS 531 Fall Final Project in C Systems Programming using Arduino w/ GPS Shield
This script was developed in order to parse the DISA CCI XML file into CSV format.
Mergers any amount of .nessus files in a directory into a single report while keeping the data in the correct order. This will keep vulnerabilities and compliance files in their proper place when you load the new file into your nessus scanner.
Notes and Stuff for my OSCP Adventures
Scapy Presentation and Code